Call Number:
2010-067/001 | (1) | 4th International Ceramics Symposium | 1985-1986 | |
2010-067/001 | (2) | Approaches to painting | [ca. 1978] | |
2010-067/001 | (3) | Art credits | 1976, 1979 | |
2010-067/001 | (4) | Arts' Sake. -- File consists of materials pertaining to lectures on art presented by Arts' Sake Inc., an institute for visual arts. -- 1 photograph : col. ; 9 x 11.5 cm. | 1980-1981 | |
2010-067/001 | (5) | Book proposal : "An approach to murals: two weeks with Lydia Zavadsky". -- 16 photographs : b&w ; 10 x 12.5 cm or smaller. -- Photographs of Lydia Zavadsky pottery workshop in 1977. | 1977-1978 | |
2010-067/001 | (6) | Brown, Jaredene : sculpture agent | 15 July 1983 | |
2010-067/001 | (7) | Calls for entry : ceramics | 1984 | |
2010-067/001 | (8) | Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, Waterloo | 1985-1987 | |
2010-067/001 | (9) | Canadian Guild of Crafts & Georgian College Summer School of the Arts | 1975 | |
2010-067/001 | (10) | Ceramic auction | 1985 | |
2010-067/001 | (11) | Concepts in clay : raku. -- Item is a booklet for a sculpture exhibition at the Koffler Gallery between 9 October and 25 November | 1985 | |
2010-067/001 | (12) | Correspondence re: sculpture exhibitions | 1980 | |
2010-067/001 | (13) | Design 3 notebook | 1979 | |
2010-067/001 | (14) | Drawings of ships. -- 2 drawings : black ink and watercolour ; 25 x 17 cm. -- Drawings were possibly created by Rita Greer Allen and her brother Ron Weyman. | [between 1930 and 1940] | |
2010-067/001 | (15) | Galleries : potential | [between 1975 and 1985] | |
2010-067/001 | (16) | Goethe Institute | 1985-1986 | |
2010-067/001 | (17) | Information & costs : letters re: sculptures, clay, propane & kiln | 1983-1986 | |
2010-067/001 | (18) | Kiln. -- 13 photographs : col. ; 9 x 12.5 cm. -- Photographs document the building of a raku pottery kiln. | 1979 | |
2010-067/001 | (19) | Kimpei Nakamura murals, Sheridan workshop, and potters' addresses. -- 1 photograph : col. ; 8.5 x 12.5 cm. -- Photograph taken at the workshop. | 1978 | |
2010-067/001 | (20) | Koffler exhibition : Oct.-Nov. 1985 | 1984-1986 | |
2010-067/001 | (21) | Koffler Gallery | 1980, 1983 | |
2010-067/001 | (22) | Lydia Zavadsky workshop | 1977 | |
2010-067/001 | (23) | Lydia Zavadsky workshop : photographs. -- 397 photographs : b&w ; 12.5 x 9 cm or smaller. -- 105 photographs : b&w negatives ; 35 mm. -- Photographs of workshop leader, Lydia Zavadasky, and workshop participants, including Rita Greer Allen. | 1977 | |
2010-067/001 | (24) | Mantra show, Koffler show, OPA [Ontario Potters Association] show | 1980-1983 | |
2010-067/001 | (25) | McGibbon Centre exhibition : Oct. 1985. -- File consists of correspondence and a price list for the exhibition. | 1985-1986 | |
2010-067/001 | (26) | Ontario Craft Council & Gallery | 1982 | |
2010-067/001 | (27) | Ontario Potters Ass'n : pottery shop | Apr. 1983 | |
2010-067/001 | (28) | Paintings and sketches | 1979 | |
2010-067/001 | (29) | Patterns for ceramics : designs | 1974, 1976 | |
2010-067/001 | (30) | Pottery : current | 1975-1978 | |
2010-067/001 | (31) | Press re: sculpture | 1983, 1985-1986 | |
2010-067/001 | (32) | Rita Greer Allen sculpture exhibition notice | [between 1975 and 1985] | |
2010-067/002 | (1) | Rita's studio contents. -- File consists of newspaper clippings, illustrations, notices for Rita Greer Allen's pottery exhibitions, sketches and notes. -- 13 photographs : b&w and col. ; 12.5 x 8.5 cm and 25.5 x 20.5 cm. -- Photographs of sculpture and pottery on display. | 1979-1985 | |
2010-067/002 | (2) | Sculpture | 1983, 1988 | |
2010-067/002 | (3) | Sculpture. -- 1 photograph : col. ; 10 x 12.5 cm. -- Photograph of a drawing. | 1985-1988 | |
2010-067/002 | (4) | Sculpture exhibition notices. -- File consists of two notices pertaining to Rita Greer Allen's raku sculpture exhibition at the Pauline McGibbon Centre in October 1985. | Oct. 1985 | |
2010-067/002 | (5) | Sculpture orders | [ca. 1983] | |
2010-067/002 | (6) | Sheridan. -- File consists of notes taken by Rita Greer Allen at a Sheridan College workshop. | Sept. 1978 | |
2010-067/002 | (7) | Sketchbook. -- Item consists of pencil drawings and watercolours. A portrait of Robert Greer Allen is part of this sketchbook. Item includes a smaller sketchbook inside. | 1943 | |
2010-067/002 | (8) | Sketchbook | [between 1975 and 1985] | |
2010-067/002 | (9) | Sketchbook | 1987 | |
2010-067/002 | (10) | Visual Arts Ontario : international exposure | 1983 | |
2010-067/002 | (11) | Watercolour paintings and sketches | [between 1975 and 1985] | |
2010-067/002 | (12) | Zavadsky. -- 89 photographs : b&w ; 2.5 x 2.3 cm and 12.5 x 8.5 cm. -- Photographs of pottery workshop, annotated on verso. | 1977 | |
2010-067/002 | (13) | Zavadsky : my notes | 1977 | |
2010-067/003 | (1) | Art prints, reproductions and original paintings. -- 53 art prints and reproductions ; 40 x 50.5 cm or smaller. -- 3 paintings : col. ; 49.5 x 35 cm and 20.5 x 27 cm. | [between 1955 and 1975] | |
2010-067/003 | (2) | Drawings. -- 35 drawings : charcoal, red pastel, black ink and pencil ; 60.5 x 45.5 cm or smaller. -- Drawings are of male and female nudes, created by Rita Greer Allen. Drawings have some water damage and mould at top. | 1978, 1980-1983 | |
2010-067/003 | (3) | Drawings. -- 43 drawings : charcoal, black ink and colour pastel ; 60.5 x 45.5 or smaller. -- Drawings are of female nudes, drawn by Rita Greer Allen and likely used in the creation of her sculptures. There is some transference of the charcoal from one sketch to another. There is some water damage on some drawings. | 1980, 1983, 1985 | |
2010-067/003 | (4) | Drawings and paintings. -- 56 drawings and paintings ; 60.5 x 45 cm or smaller. | 1942-1946 | |
2010-067/003 | (5) | Drawings and watercolours. -- 26 drawings : pencil and black ink ; 38 x 27.5 or smaller. -- 3 paintings : watercolour 39.5 x 38 or smaller. -- A number of items in this file are illustrations with captions for magazines or to accompany stories or scripts written by Rita and Robert Greer Allen. -- 1 photograph : b&w ; 25 x 20 cm. -- Photograph of a drawing of an unidentified man. | 1942, 1980, 1996 | |
2010-067/003 | (6) | Ink drawings. -- 2 drawings : black ink ; 37.3 x 45.5 cm. -- Drawings depict soldiers in uniform in a train station and in a Jeep. | [between 1940 and 1946] | |
2010-067/003 | (7) | Monoprint : Jack Pollock's course | 1981 | |
2010-067/003 | (8) | Sculpture sketches. -- 3 drawings : charcoal and ink. | 1985 | |
2010-067/003 | (9) | Sketchbook | [ca. 1967] | |
2010-067/003 | (10) | Sketchbook | [ca. 1981] | |