Call Number:
1976-002/001 | (1) | Anonymous | | |
1976-002/001 | (4) | First Names: A-D | | |
1976-002/001 | (5) | First Names: E-J | | |
1976-002/001 | (6) | First Names: K-Mi | | |
1976-002/001 | (7) | First Names: Mouse | | |
1976-002/001 | (8) | First Names: N-Z | | |
1976-002/001 | (10) | Illegible Signatures | | |
1976-002/001 | (11) | Initials | | |
1976-002/001 | (12) | Initials (up to r.j.s) | | |
1976-002/001 | (13) | A-Ad | | |
1976-002/001 | (14) | Ad-Am | | |
1976-002/001 | (15) | Anansi | | |
1976-002/001 | (16) | Anansi | | |
1976-002/001 | (17) | Anansi | | |
1976-002/001 | (18) | Anansi | | |
1976-002/001 | (19) | Anasi | April-June 1970 | |
1976-002/001 | (20) | Anansi | July-August 1970 | |
1976-002/001 | (21) | Anansi | Sept. 1970 | |
1976-002/001 | (22) | Anansi | October-December 1970 | |
1976-002/001 | (23) | Anansi | Jan.-June 1971 | |
1976-002/001 | (24) | Anansi | July 1971 | |
1976-002/001 | (25) | Anansi | Aug-Dec. 1971 | |
1976-002/001 | (26) | Anansi | Jan.1972-April 1974 | |
1976-002/001 | (27) | Anansi | May-Dec.1974 | |
1976-002/001 | (28) | Anansi | Jan.1975-Dec.1976 | |
1976-002/001 | (29) | An-As | | |
1976-002/001 | (30) | As-Atv | | |
1976-002/001 | (31) | Atwood | | |
1976-002/002 | (32) | Au-Auison | | |
1976-002/002 | (33) | Bai | | |
1976-002/002 | (34) | Bak-Bal | | |
1976-002/002 | (35) | Ball, Nelson | | |
1976-002/002 | (36) | Bam, Biq | | |
1976-002/002 | (37) | Birney, Earle | | |
1976-002/002 | (38) | Bissett, E | | |
1976-002/002 | (39) | Bissett family | | |
1976-002/002 | (40) | Bissett, Frederick William | | |
1976-002/002 | (41) | Bissett, Martina | | |
1976-002/002 | (42) | Bissett, Ooljah | | |
1976-002/002 | (43) | Bissett, Rochmanna | | |
1976-002/002 | (44) | Bit-Bor | | |
1976-002/002 | (45) | Bos-Boz | | |
1976-002/002 | (46) | Bra-Bri | | |
1976-002/002 | (47) | Brom-Brow | | |
1976-002/002 | (48) | Buckaway | | |
1976-002/002 | (49) | Bud-By | | |
1976-002/002 | (50) | Ca-Canada Council | 1965-1966 | |
1976-002/002 | (51) | Canada Council | 1967 | |
1976-002/002 | (52) | Canada Council | 1968 | |
1976-002/002 | (53) | Canada Council | 1969 | |
1976-002/002 | (54) | Canada Council | 1970 | |
1976-002/002 | (55) | Canada Council | 1971 | |
1976-002/002 | (56) | Canada Council | 1972-73 | |
1976-002/002 | (57) | Canada Council | 1974 | |
1976-002/002 | (58) | Canada Council | Mar. - Apr 1975 | |
1976-002/002 | (59) | Canada Council | May - Dec. 1975 | |
1976-002/002 | (60) | Canada Council Book Purchase - Canada | | |
1976-002/002 | (61) | CBC - Canadian Forum (G. Lampert) National Magazine | | |
1976-002/002 | (62) | Candelana - Ceschi | | |
1976-002/002 | (63) | Ch-Cog | | |
1976-002/003 | (64) | Coh-Col | | |
1976-002/003 | (65) | Columbo | | |
1976-002/003 | (66) | Com-Cop | | |
1976-002/003 | (67) | Coq-Cou | | |
1976-002/003 | (68) | Covert | | |
1976-002/003 | (69) | Cr-Cz | | |
1976-002/003 | (70) | Da-De | | |
1976-002/003 | (71) | Dik-Dip | | |
1976-002/003 | (72) | Di Prima, Diane | | |
1976-002/003 | (73) | Dorsey, C.J. | 1973-Mar. 1974 | |
1976-002/003 | (74) | Dorsey, C.J. | Apr.- Dec. 1974 | |
1976-002/003 | (75) | Dorsey, C.J. | 1975 | |
1976-002/003 | (76) | Dorsey, C.J. | 1976 | |
1976-002/003 | (77) | Dom-Dz | | |
1976-002/003 | (78) | Edmunds | Jan - June 1976 | |
1976-002/003 | (79) | Edmunds | July-Dec. 1976 | |
1976-002/003 | (80) | Edn-Embra | 1965 | |
1976-002/003 | (81) | Embra-Ez | 1966-1972 | |
1976-002/003 | (82) | Fa-Fe | | |
1976-002/003 | (83) | Fi | | |
1976-002/003 | (84) | Ford | | |
1976-002/003 | (85) | Fones-Fraser | | |
1976-002/003 | (86) | Fa-Gal | | |
1976-002/003 | (87) | Gardiner | | |
1976-002/003 | (88) | Gar-Gas | | |
1976-002/003 | (89) | Gervais | 1969-1976 | |
1976-002/003 | (90) | Ge-Gom | | |
1976-002/003 | (91) | Gon-Gz | | |
1976-002/003 | (92) | Ha-Harris | 1965-1970 | |
1976-002/003 | (93) | Harris | 1965-1970 | |
1976-002/003 | (94) | Harris | 1966 | |
1976-002/003 | (95) | Harris | 1967-1969 | |
1976-002/003 | (96) | Harris | 1970-1971 | |
1976-002/003 | (97) | Harris | 1972-Apr. 1973 | |
1976-002/003 | (98) | Hauser | 1970 | |
1976-002/003 | (99) | Hauser | 1971 | |
1976-002/003 | (100) | Hauser | 1971 | |
1976-002/003 | (101) | Hauser | 1971 | |
1976-002/004 | (102) | Hauser | 1974 | |
1976-002/004 | (103) | Hauser | 1975 | |
1976-002/004 | (104) | Hauser | 1976 | |
1976-002/004 | (105) | Hay-Hi | | |
1976-002/004 | (106) | Ho-Hok | | |
1976-002/004 | (107) | Hollingshead | Jan. - Aug. 1970 | |
1976-002/004 | (108) | Hollingshead | Aug - Feb. 1976 | |
1976-002/004 | (109) | Ho-Hz | | |
1976-002/004 | (110) | I | | |
1976-002/004 | (111) | Ja-Je | | |
1976-002/004 | (112) | Johnsen | 1973 - June 1974 | |
1976-002/004 | (113) | Johnsen | July 1974 -Sept. 1976 | |
1976-002/004 | (114) | Ji-Jz | | |
1976-002/004 | (115) | Ka-Ki | | |
1976-002/004 | (116) | Ki-Kz | | |
1976-002/004 | (117) | La Chance-Lamo | | |
1976-002/004 | (118) | Lampert | | |
1976-002/004 | (119) | Lampert | 1973 | |
1976-002/004 | (120) | Lampert | 1973-1974 | |
1976-002/004 | (121) | Lampert | January -Apr. 1974 | |
1976-002/004 | (122) | Lampert | May. - Aug. 1974 | |
1976-002/004 | (123) | Lampert | September-Dec. 1974 | |
1976-002/004 | (124) | Lampert | 1975 | |
1976-002/004 | (125) | Lampert | January-May 1975 | |
1976-002/004 | (126) | Lampert | June-July 1975 | |
1976-002/004 | (127) | Lampert | Aug-Sept 1975 | |
1976-002/004 | (128) | Lampert | Oct. - Dec. 1975 | |
1976-002/004 | (129) | Lampert | 1976 | |
1976-002/004 | (130) | Lan-Laz | | |
1976-002/005 | (131) | Le-League of Cdn. Poets | 1967-1971 | |
1976-002/005 | (132) | League CP. | 1972-1974 | |
1976-002/005 | (133) | League CP. | Jan. - June 1975 | |
1976-002/005 | (134) | League CP. | July - Dec. 1975 | |
1976-002/005 | (135) | League CP.-Led | 1976 | |
1976-002/005 | (136) | Lee-Lez | | |
1976-002/005 | (137) | Li | | |
1976-002/005 | (138) | Lo-Lon | | |
1976-002/005 | (139) | Lor-Lz | | |
1976-002/005 | (140) | McCaff-Mclell | | |
1976-002/005 | (141) | McClung-McConnell | | |
1976-002/005 | (142) | MacD-McKe | | |
1976-002/005 | (143) | McKinnon, B. | | |
1976-002/005 | (144) | McK-MacQ | | |
1976-002/005 | (145) | Mandel | | |
1976-002/005 | (146) | Mand-Mar | | |
1976-002/005 | (147) | Marlowe | 1967-1969 | |
1976-002/005 | (148) | Marlow | 1970 | |
1976-002/005 | (149) | Marm-Mil | | |
1976-002/005 | (150) | Miller-Miz | | |
1976-002/005 | (151) | Morrissey | | |
1976-002/005 | (152) | Morton, B. | | |
1976-002/005 | (153) | Mo-Mz | | |
1976-002/005 | (154) | Na-Ne | | |
1976-002/005 | (155) | Nichol, b.p. | 1965-1970 | |
1976-002/005 | (156) | Nichol, b.p. | 1965-1970 | |
1976-002/005 | (157) | Nichol, b.p. | 1966-1969 | |
1976-002/005 | (158) | Nichol, b.p. | 1970-1975 | |
1976-002/005 | (159) | Ni-Nz | | |
1976-002/006 | (160) | Oberon | 1970-1973 | |
1976-002/006 | (161) | Oberon | 1974-1975 | |
1976-002/006 | (162) | Oc-Ondaatje | | |
1976-002/006 | (163) | One-Ont | | |
1976-002/006 | (164) | Op-Os | | |
1976-002/006 | (165) | Ott-Oz | | |
1976-002/006 | (166) | Pa-Paq | | |
1976-002/006 | (167) | Par-Pen | | |
1976-002/006 | (168) | Peo-Pr | | |
1976-002/006 | (169) | Pi-Po | | |
1976-002/006 | (170) | Pr-Purdy | 1965-1968 | |
1976-002/006 | (171) | Purdy-Pz | 1969 | |
1976-002/006 | (172) | Q | | |
1976-002/006 | (173) | Ra | | |
1976-002/006 | (174) | Reaney | 1965 - Feb. 1970 | |
1976-002/006 | (175) | Reaney | Mar. 1970 -1972 | |
1976-002/006 | (176) | Reb-Ri | | |
1976-002/006 | (177) | Rob | | |
1976-002/006 | (178) | Roc-Rosenblatt | | |
1976-002/006 | (179) | Ros-Rz | | |
1976-002/006 | (180) | Sa-Saz | | |
1976-002/006 | (181) | Sb-Scott | | |
1976-002/006 | (182) | Scr-Simon | | |
1976-002/006 | (183) | Simons, Bev | | |
1976-002/006 | (184) | Simons, Sid-Siz | | |
1976-002/006 | (185) | Sk-Sot | | |
1976-002/006 | (186) | Souster-Sp | | |
1976-002/006 | (187) | Sta-Step | | |
1976-002/006 | (188) | Steq-Suj | | |
1976-002/006 | (189) | Suknaski | | |
1976-002/006 | (190) | Suku-Sz | | |
1976-002/006 | (191) | Ta-Th | | |
1976-002/006 | (192) | To | | |
1976-002/007 | (193) | Tr | | |
1976-002/007 | (194) | U of Alberta - UBC | | |
1976-002/007 | (195) | U.B.C - U of Calgary | | |
1976-002/007 | (196) | U of T | | |
1976-002/007 | (197) | Y of Victoria | | |
1976-002/007 | (198) | U of Waterloo - Uz | | |
1976-002/007 | (199) | Va-Vancouver | | |
1976-002/007 | (200) | Van T-Yz | | |
1976-002/007 | (201) | Wa-Wah | | |
1976-002/007 | (202) | Wai-Wal | | |
1976-002/007 | (203) | We-Wes | | |
1976-002/007 | (204) | Western-Wh | | |
1976-002/007 | (205) | Wi-Wo | | |
1976-002/007 | (206) | York University Archives/Glendon | | |
1976-002/007 | (207) | Shirley Halery: York University Libraries | | |
1976-002/007 | (208) | York University Libraries | 1971-1972 | |
1976-002/007 | (209) | York University Libraries | 1973-1976 | |
1976-002/007 | (210) | Tom O'Connell: York University Libraries | 1965-1970 | |
1976-002/007 | (211) | York University Libraries | 1968-1971 | |
1976-002/007 | (212) | York University - Writing | | |
1976-002/007 | (213) | Biographical material of Edward Young, 1760-1832 | | |
1983-005/008 | (11) | Anansi | 1978-1980 | |
1983-005/008 | (12) | Association of Book Publishers of B.C. | 1976-1983 | |
1983-005/008 | (13) | Athabasca University | 1982 | |
1983-005/008 | (14) | Margaret Atwood | 1982-1983 | |
1983-005/008 | (15) | A - Others | 1978-1984 | |
1983-005/008 | (16) | Bank of Montreal | 1978-1979 | |
1983-005/008 | (17) | Bertrand, Denise | 1981-1982 | |
1983-005/008 | (18) | Dana Bhutta | 1978 | |
1983-005/008 | (19) | Earle Birney | 1993-1979 | |
1983-005/008 | (20) | Elizabeth Bissett | 1977 | |
1983-005/008 | (21) | Frederick Bissett (bill bissett's father) | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/008 | (22) | Ooljah Bisset (bill bissett's daughter) | 1978-1983 | |
1983-005/008 | (23) | Ooljah Bissett - art | | |
1983-005/008 | (24) | Blewointment Press (David Lee) | 1983 | |
1983-005/008 | (25) | Bodleian Library | 1973 | |
1983-005/008 | (26) | Body Politic | 1973-1979 | |
1983-005/008 | (27) | Boshier, Jenny and Roger | 1980-1984 | |
1983-005/008 | (28) | George Bowering | 1974-1980 | |
1983-005/008 | (29) | British Columbia Publishers Group | 1974-1976 | |
1983-005/008 | (30) | British Council | 1980 | |
1983-005/008 | (31) | Broudy, Hart | 1981-1983 | |
1983-005/008 | (32) | B - Others | 1973-1983 | |
1983-005/008 | (33) | CBC and CTV | 1973-1980 | |
1983-005/008 | (34) | Callaghan, Barry | 1984 | |
1983-005/009 | (1) | Canada Council | 1973-1983 |
1 of 5
1983-005/009 | (2) | Canada Council | 1973-1983 |
2 of 5
1983-005/009 | (3) | Canada Council | 1973-1983 |
3 of 5
1983-005/009 | (4) | Canada Council | 1973-1983 |
4 of 5
1983-005/009 | (5) | Canada Council | 1973-1983 |
5 of 5
1983-005/009 | (6) | Canadian Forum | 1983 | |
1983-005/009 | (7) | Clinton, Martina (bill bissett's ex-wife) | 1977 | |
1983-005/009 | (8) | Cobbins, Bob | 1982 | |
1983-005/009 | (9) | Columbo, John Robert | 1977 | |
1983-005/009 | (10) | Concordia university | 1979-1984 | |
1983-005/009 | (11) | Court, Jane Grace - Corr | 1979-1981 | |
1983-005/009 | (12) | C - others | 1973-1981 | |
1983-005/009 | (13) | David, Jack | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/009 | (14) | Depts of Education, External Affairs, Justice, National Revenue | 1973-1980 | |
1983-005/009 | (15) | Court, Jane Grace-Poetry | 1979-1981 | |
1983-005/009 | (16) | Curry, John W. | 1977-1980 | |
1983-005/009 | (17) | Covert, Peggy and Peter (relatives of bill bissett) | 1980 | |
1983-005/009 | (18) | Dorsey, Candas Jane | 1973-1984 | |
1983-005/009 | (19) | Douglas College | 1974-1983 | |
1983-005/009 | (20) | D - others | 1973-1979 | |
1983-005/009 | (21) | E - others | 1973-1978 | |
1983-005/009 | (22) | Faiers, Chris | 1980-1982 | |
1983-005/009 | (23) | Farrago | 1979 | |
1983-005/009 | (24) | Fertig, Mona | 1978-1980 | |
1983-005/009 | (25) | Ford, Cathy | 1976-1981 | |
1983-005/009 | (26) | F - others | 1975-1983 | |
1983-005/009 | (27) | George Johnston | 1989-1982 | |
1983-005/009 | (28) | Gibson, Graeme | 1982 | |
1983-005/009 | (29) | Alan Ginsberg | 1978 | |
1983-005/009 | (30) | Great Canadian Peotry, Weekend at Blue Mountain | 1978 | |
1983-005/009 | (31) | Custaeson, Ralph | 1983 | |
1983-005/009 | (32) | G - Others | 1974-1980 | |
1983-005/009 | (33) | Britt Hagarty | 1978-1979 | |
1983-005/009 | (34) | Harbourfront | 1979 | |
1983-005/009 | (35) | Cory Harding | 1977 | |
1983-005/009 | (36) | Bill Harris | 1978 | |
1983-005/009 | (37) | Gwen Hauser | 1974-1982 | |
1983-005/010 | (1) | Madie Hilmo | 1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (2) | Rosemary Hollingshead | 1973-1984 | |
1983-005/010 | (3) | H - Others | 1973-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (4) | IPA Independent Publishers Association | 1973-1974 | |
1983-005/010 | (5) | Intermedia | 1976-1977 | |
1983-005/010 | (6) | I - Others | 1973-1979 | |
1983-005/010 | (7) | Beth Jankola | 1974-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (8) | International Poetry | 1980-1981 | |
1983-005/010 | (9) | James Lewis and Samuel, Publishers | 1974 | |
1983-005/010 | (10) | Karl Jirgens | 1980 | |
1983-005/010 | (11) | John | 1978-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (12) | J - Others | 1973-1980 | |
1983-005/010 | (13) | R.A. Kawalilaik | 1978-1980 | |
1983-005/010 | (14) | Lionel Kearns | 1976-1977 | |
1983-005/010 | (15) | Judy Keeler | 1973-1977 | |
1983-005/010 | (16) | Lynn Kokke | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/010 | (17) | Richard Kostelanetz | 1973-1979 | |
1983-005/010 | (18) | Kwantien College | 1982 | |
1983-005/010 | (19) | K - Others | 1973-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (20) | Bertrand Lachance | 1978 | |
1983-005/010 | (21) | Ariene and Jerry Lampert | 1973-1983 |
1 of 2
1983-005/010 | (22) | Ariene and Jerry Lampert | 1973-1983 |
2 of 2
1983-005/010 | (23) | Margaret Laurence | 1978 | |
1983-005/010 | (24) | Scott Laurence | 1977-1981 | |
1983-005/010 | (25) | Irving Layton | 1977 | |
1983-005/010 | (26) | The League of Canadian Poets | 1975-1983 |
1 of 3
1983-005/010 | (27) | The League of Canadian Poets, Newsletters | 1976-1980 | |
1983-005/010 | (28) | The League of Canadian Poets | 1975-1983 |
2 of 3
1983-005/010 | (29) | The League of Canadian Poets | 1975-1983 |
3 of 3
1983-005/010 | (30) | Dennis Lee | 1973-1982 | |
1983-005/010 | (31) | Literary Press Group | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/010 | (32) | Literary Storefront | 1979-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (33) | L - Others | 1974-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (34) | Gwendolyn Macewen | 1977 | |
1983-005/010 | (35) | Steve McCaffery | [1973] - 1978 | |
1983-005/010 | (36) | McClelland and Stewart | 1973 | |
1983-005/010 | (37) | Nellie Mcclung | 1973-1978 | |
1983-005/010 | (38) | McGill University | 1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (39) | Dorothy Livesay | 1979-1982 | |
1983-005/010 | (40) | Patsi McMurchy | 1980-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (41) | Massey College (U of T - Margaret Atwood) | 1973 | |
1983-005/010 | (42) | Metro Toronto Library | 1977-1978 | |
1983-005/010 | (43) | Anne Michaels | 1982-1984 | |
1983-005/010 | (44) | Stephen Miller | 1976-1981 | |
1983-005/010 | (45) | Aunt Mollie and uncle frank | 1979-1982 | |
1983-005/010 | (46) | David Daniel Moses | 1980-981 | |
1983-005/010 | (47) | Susan Musgrave | 1976-1980 | |
1983-005/010 | (48) | M - Others | 1974-1984 | |
1983-005/010 | (49) | National Library of Canada | 1981-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (50) | National Poetry Centre (UK) | 1976-1980 | |
1983-005/010 | (51) | Alec Newell and Alec Nooly | 1980-1984 | |
1983-005/010 | (52) | bp nichol | 1981-1982 | |
1983-005/010 | (53) | Ken Norris | 1977-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (54) | Northern Journey | 1973 | |
1983-005/010 | (55) | Northern Lights College | 1981-1983 | |
1983-005/010 | (56) | N - Others | 1973-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (1) | Oberon | 1971-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (2) | Ontario Arts Council | 1974 | |
1983-005/011 | (3) | Oise | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (4) | Operation Dismantle | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (5) | Marvin Orbach | 1980-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (6) | Oxford University Press Canada | 1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (7) | O - Others | 1975-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (8) | P.K. Page | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (9) | Participation Project Education | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (10) | Penguin Books Canada | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (11) | Potters Field Press | n.d. | |
1983-005/011 | (12) | Craig Powell | 1979-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (13) | Province of British Columbia | 1978-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (14) | Al Purdy | 1978-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (15) | Linda Pyke | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (16) | P - Others | 1973-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (17) | Quarry | 1973 | |
1983-005/011 | (18) | Peter Quartermain | 1978-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (19) | Queen's University | 1976-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (20) | Queen Street | 1977 | |
1983-005/011 | (21) | Quill and Quire | 1980 | |
1983-005/011 | (22) | Ramaire | 1981 | |
1983-005/011 | (23) | Revenue Canada | 1976-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (24) | R - Others | 1974-1984 | |
1983-005/011 | (25) | Elizabeth and Alan Sagar | 1981-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (26) | Saturday Night | 1977-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (27) | Secretary of the State of mind | 1973 | |
1983-005/011 | (28) | Sidney B. Simons | 1973-1984 | |
1983-005/011 | (29) | David P. Silcox, n.d. | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (30) | Simon Fraser University | 1978-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (31) | Diana Skala | 1977-1981 | |
1983-005/011 | (32) | Steve Smith | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (33) | Wilbur Snowshoe | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (34) | Sound and Syntax Poetry Festival | 1977-1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (35) | Great Canadian Poetry Weekend, Printed Material | 1978-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (36) | State University of New York | 1977-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (37) | Aaron Steele | 1973-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (38) | S. Others | 1973-1984 | |
1983-005/011 | (39) | Warren Tallman | 1973-1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (40) | Talon Books, David Robinson | 1973-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (41) | Treeline II | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (42) | Rose-Marie Tremblay | 1973-1981 | |
1983-005/011 | (43) | Alan Twigg | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (44) | T Others | 1973-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (45) | Universidad de la laguna | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (46) | Universita di napoli | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (47) | Universite Laval | 1981 | |
1983-005/011 | (48) | University of Alberta | 1977-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (49) | University of British Columbia | 1976-1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (50) | University of Lethbridge | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (51) | University of Manitoba | 1979-1980 | |
1983-005/011 | (52) | University of New Brunswick | 1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (53) | University of New Mexico | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (54) | University of Ottawa | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (55) | University of Saskatchewan | 1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (56) | University of Toronto | 1973 | |
1983-005/011 | (57) | University of Utah | | |
1983-005/011 | (58) | University of Victoria | 1974-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (59) | University of Waterloo | 1973-1974 | |
1983-005/011 | (60) | University of Western Ontario | 1977 | |
1983-005/011 | (61) | Laurence Upton (U.K.) | 1977-1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (62) | U Others | 1978-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (63) | Vancouver art Gallery | 1979-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (64) | Vancouver Poetry Centre | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (65) | L.C. Vinholes | 1978 | |
1983-005/011 | (66) | V Others | 1973-1981 | |
1983-005/011 | (67) | Miriam Waddington | 1977 | |
1983-005/011 | (68) | Fred Wah | 1976-1977 | |
1983-005/011 | (69) | Eleanor Wachtel | 1978-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (70) | Dave West | 1977-1979 | |
1983-005/011 | (71) | Western Front Society | 1977-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (72) | Western Washington University | | |
1983-005/011 | (73) | White Water Gallery | 1981 | |
1983-005/011 | (74) | Adele Wiseman | | |
1983-005/011 | (75) | W Others | 1973-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (76) | York University | 1976-1982 | |
1983-005/011 | (77) | Ian Young | 1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (78) | Robert Zend | 1982- | |
1983-005/011 | (79) | Carolyn Zonailo | 1978-1983 | |
1983-005/011 | (80) | Z Others | [ca. 1973] | |
1983-005/011 | (81) | Correspondence, unidentifiable | 1973-1984 |
1 of 2
1983-005/011 | (82) | Correspondence, unidentifiable | 1973-1984 |
2 of 2
1983-005/011 | (83) | Correspondence, SA to monkey | 1982 | |
1983-005/012 | (1) | Correspondence from b.b. | 1973-1982 |
1 of 3
1983-005/012 | (2) | Correspondence from b.b. | 1973-1982 |
2 of 3
1983-005/012 | (3) | Correspondence from b.b. | 1973-1982 |
3 of 3
1983-005/012 | (4) | To Allen Rosen | 1976-1981 | |
1983-005/012 | (5) | Income tax and medical information | 1972-1974 | |
1983-005/021 | (4) | Correspondence from other publishers | 1977-1980 | |
1983-005/022 | (4) | Correspondence, notes from other publishers | 1980 | |
1983-005/026 | (2) | Correspondence from [Rick Shan] | 1974-1978 | |
1986-008/012 | (652) | Unidentified | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/012 | (653) | Initials only | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/012 | (654) | Cousin M | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (655) | Al | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (656) | Allan | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (657) | Anne | | |
1986-008/013 | (658) | Arlene | | |
1986-008/013 | (659) | Beth | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (660) | Betty and Richard | | |
1986-008/013 | (661) | Bob | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (662) | Brooke | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (663) | Caron | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (664) | Christy | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (665) | Dan | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (666) | Daphne | | |
1986-008/013 | (667) | Debbie | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (668) | Dennis and Kimberly | | |
1986-008/013 | (669) | Don | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (670) | Doug | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (671) | Doyle | | |
1986-008/013 | (672) | Eddie | | |
1986-008/013 | (673) | Ganis | | |
1986-008/013 | (674) | George | | |
1986-008/013 | (675) | George and Sharon | | |
1986-008/013 | (676) | Gerry | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (677) | Gina | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (678) | Hildi | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (679) | Horace | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (680) | Howie | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (681) | James | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (682) | Jamie | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (683) | Jill | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (684) | Jo | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (685) | John | | |
1986-008/013 | (686) | Judy | | |
1986-008/013 | (687) | Karl | | |
1986-008/013 | (688) | Kelly | | |
1986-008/013 | (689) | Kimberley | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (690) | Lenore | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (691) | Libby | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (692) | Linda | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (693) | Lorna | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (694) | Mari | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (695) | Marilyn | | |
1986-008/013 | (696) | Mary | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (697) | Meredith | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (698) | Michael | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (699) | Mike | | |
1986-008/013 | (700) | Milan | | |
1986-008/013 | (701) | Mo | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (702) | Aunt Mobile | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (703) | Nigel | | |
1986-008/013 | (704) | Peggy | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (705) | Peter | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (706) | Rachel | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (707) | Ralph | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (708) | Rhoda | | |
1986-008/013 | (709) | Richard | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (710) | Rico | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (711) | Rob | | |
1986-008/013 | (712) | Robert | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (713) | Rose-marie | 1982 | |
1986-008/013 | (714) | Rosemary | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (715) | Ruth-Anne | | |
1986-008/013 | (716) | Scott | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (717) | Sheila | | |
1986-008/013 | (718) | Stacy | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (719) | Stan | | |
1986-008/013 | (720) | Steve | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (721) | Sue | | |
1986-008/013 | (722) | Susan | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (723) | Tentacles | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (724) | Tom | | |
1986-008/013 | (725) | Tony | | |
1986-008/013 | (726) | Vic | 1982 | |
1986-008/013 | (727) | Zita | | |
1986-008/013 | (728) | Academic Press Canada | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (729) | Francesco Adai | | |
1986-008/013 | (730) | Aero Plan | | |
1986-008/013 | (731) | AKA | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (732) | Chuck Allen | | |
1986-008/013 | (733) | Anansi | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (734) | Joan and Tom Anderson | | |
1986-008/013 | (735) | The Art Gallery at Harbourfront | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (736) | Arts Students' Council at the University of Western Ontario | | |
1986-008/013 | (737) | Margaret Atwood | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (738) | Bank of Canada | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (739) | Barclay T. | 1985 | |
1986-008/013 | (740) | Barrett, David | 1984 | |
1986-008/013 | (741) | Barriere, Garth | | |
1986-008/013 | (742) | Belkiw, Cheryl | 1986 | |
1986-008/013 | (743) | Betcherman, Gary | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (744) | Billings, R. | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (745) | Birney, Earle | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (746) | Bissett-Sagar, Elizabeth | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (747) | Bissett, Ooljah | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (748) | Body Politic | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (749) | Boofards, Win | 1985 | |
1986-008/014 | (750) | Bojman, Deb | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (751) | Bourne, Tony | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (752) | Bowne, Steve | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (753) | Bradley, Jane | | |
1986-008/014 | (754) | Brett, Brian | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (755) | Bringhurst, Robert | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (756) | British Columbia Book Prizes | 1985 | |
1986-008/014 | (757) | Bruccoli Clark Inc. | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (758) | William Buchanan | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (759) | Burke, Rod | | |
1986-008/014 | (760) | Butt, Bill | | |
1986-008/014 | (761) | Button, Isabel | 1967 | |
1986-008/014 | (762) | Bamplure, Anne | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (763) | Canada Council | 1983-1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (764) | The Canadian Book Information Centre | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (765) | Canadian High Commission | 1984 | |
1986-008/014 | (766) | Canadian Pacific Air | | |
1986-008/014 | (767) | The Capilano Review | 1985 | |
1986-008/014 | (768) | Carlos, Marianne | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (769) | Carr, Rob | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (770) | Carriw, Jim | 1986 | |
1986-008/014 | (771) | Claire, Paula | | |
1986-008/015 | (772) | Claire, Paula | 1984 | |
1986-008/015 | (773) | Claire, Paula | 1985 | |
1986-008/015 | (774) | Claire, Paula | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (775) | Clarke, Cathy | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (776) | Coach House Press | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (777) | Collins, Gerry | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (778) | Collins, Thomas | | |
1986-008/015 | (779) | The Company Theatre | 1985 | |
1986-008/015 | (780) | Contemporary Authors | 1984 | |
1986-008/015 | (781) | Contemporary Verse | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (782) | Court, Jane | 1981 | |
1986-008/015 | (783) | Covert, Aunt Peggy | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (784) | Cowslip, Patsy | 1985 | |
1986-008/015 | (785) | Csepregi, Ellie | 1985 | |
1986-008/015 | (786) | Cullen, Michael | 1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (787) | Cumbers, Diane | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/015 | (788) | Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru (Welsh Arts Council) | 1984 | |
1986-008/015 | (789) | David, Jack | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/015 | (790) | Deahl, James | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (791) | DeLorey, Barb | | |
1986-008/016 | (792) | Diakun, Karen | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (793) | Dictionary of Literary Biography | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (794) | Di Prima, Diana | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (795) | Donlan, John | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (796) | Donlan, Mary | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (797) | Douglas and McIntyre | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (798) | Drewry, Alan | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (799) | Drumbolis, Nicky | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (800) | Dunswuir, Meredith | | |
1986-008/016 | (801) | Eckstein, Karen | 1983 | |
1986-008/016 | (802) | Edgar, Cam | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (803) | Eggleton, Mayor Art | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (804) | Estok, Mike | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (805) | Ethos | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (806) | Evason, Greg | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (807) | Expo 1986 | | |
1986-008/016 | (808) | Faiers, Chris | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (809) | Far West | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (810) | Farrell, Patricia | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (811) | Fertig, Mona | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (812) | Filip, Raymond | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (813) | Ford, Cathy | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (814) | Forty-Ninth Parallel | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (815) | Foz, J. | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (816) | Friesen, Pat | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (817) | Gafarth, John and Daisy | | |
1986-008/016 | (818) | Gardiner, Grant | | |
1986-008/016 | (819) | Gedalof, Allan | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (820) | Geddes, Gary | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (821) | Gelhada, Mary | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (822) | Gilbert, Linda | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (823) | Gilmore, Jim | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (824) | Giroux, Joel | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (825) | Goldsmith, Penny | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (826) | Good, Jim | | |
1986-008/016 | (827) | Gool, Richard | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (828) | Graff, Tom | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (829) | The Greenfield Review | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (830) | Greenhow, Henry | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (831) | Guildford, Doug | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (832) | Gunn, Mickey | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (833) | Gustafson, Ralph | 1983 | |
1986-008/016 | (834) | Hagarty, Joan | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (835) | Haig, Tom | | |
1986-008/016 | (836) | Hair, Don | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (837) | Harbourfront | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (838) | Harmony Books | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (839) | Harrigan, F. Wayne | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (840) | Hauser, Gwen | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (841) | Haywood, Peter | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (842) | Henning, Roger | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (843) | Hilmo, Maidie | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (844) | Holder, Wayne | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (845) | Holdstock, Pauline | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (846) | Hollingshead, Rosemary | | |
1986-008/016 | (847) | Hopkins, Konrad | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (848) | Horner, Doug | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (849) | Adolf Hungry Wolf | 1984 | |
1986-008/016 | (850) | Hunt, Nigel | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (851) | International Biographical Centre | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (852) | James, Clifford | 1985 | |
1986-008/016 | (853) | Jameson, Dalin | 1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (854) | Jankola, Beth | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/016 | (855) | Jirgens, Karl | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (856) | Johnson, Marion | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (857) | Johnston, George | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (858) | Karasick, Adeena | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (859) | Keetch, Bill | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (860) | Kehler, Torsten | | |
1986-008/017 | (861) | Koppe, Otto | | |
1986-008/017 | (862) | Kostelanetz, Richard | 1983, 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (863) | Kruzel, Hugh | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (864) | Kuropatwa, Joy | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (865) | L., David | 1984 | |
1986-008/017 | (866) | Labonte, Richard | | |
1986-008/017 | (867) | Lachance, Bertrand | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (868) | Lailey, Chris | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (869) | Lampert, Arlene | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (870) | Landry, John | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (871) | Lanrance, Scott | 1984 | |
1986-008/017 | (872) | Larventz, Don | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (873) | Lauk, Gary | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (874) | Lawlor, Michael | n.d. | |
1986-008/017 | (875) | Lazara Publications | 1984 | |
1986-008/017 | (876) | League of Canadian Poets | 1983-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (877) | Lee, David and Maureen | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (878) | Levrette, Clarke | | |
1986-008/017 | (879) | Li, Evelyn | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (880) | Lichui Ltd. | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (881) | Linsley, Rob | 1983 | |
1986-008/017 | (882) | Literary Translators Association | 1984 | |
1986-008/017 | (883) | Lord, Jo and Alan | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (884) | Lum, Ken | 1984 | |
1986-008/017 | (885) | MacDonald, Jim | 1977 | |
1986-008/017 | (886) | MacDougall, Rob | | |
1986-008/017 | (887) | McIntosh, Leslie | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (888) | McKinnon, Barry | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (889) | McKinnon, Mike | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (890) | McMurchy, Patsi | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (891) | The Mail Room | 1983 | |
1986-008/017 | (892) | Majors, Cat | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (893) | Margin | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (894) | Martin, Diane | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (895) | Martindale, Sheila | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (896) | Mee, Bill | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (897) | Melvin, Bob | 1986 | |
1986-008/017 | (898) | Messer, Norman | | |
1986-008/017 | (899) | Metcalf, Michael | 1985 | |
1986-008/017 | (900) | Metcalfe, Dorothy | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (901) | Michaels, Anne | 1983 | |
1986-008/018 | (902) | Micros, Marianne | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (903) | Miller, Steve | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (904) | Milner, Phil | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (905) | Mitchell, Dawne | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (906) | Morris, Craig | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (907) | Morris, Michael | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (908) | Musgrave, Susan | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (909) | National Poetry Secretariat | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (910) | Necakov, Lillian | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (911) | Nelson, Sharon | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (912) | New Democratic Party | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (913) | Newlove, John | 1981 | |
1986-008/018 | (914) | nichol, bp | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (915) | Oakridge Secondary School | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (916) | Oates, Debbie | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (917) | O'Brien, Peter | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (918) | O.K. Grapics | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (919) | Ontario Arts Council | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (920) | Open Letter | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (921) | Orbach, Marvin | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (922) | Oxfam | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (923) | Paterson, Gary and Judy | | |
1986-008/018 | (924) | Paxton, Steve | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (925) | Gordon and Mary payne | | |
1986-008/018 | (926) | Peace Arts Publishers | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (927) | Penguin Books Ltd. | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (928) | Pierluigi, Gary | | |
1986-008/018 | (929) | Pito, Glen | | |
1986-008/018 | (930) | Poetry Canada Review | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (931) | Prouty, William | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (932) | Public Lending Right Commission | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (933) | Quartermain, Peter | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (934) | Queen's University, Douglas Library | 1982 | |
1986-008/018 | (935) | Reaney, Jamie and Colleen | 1985 | |
1986-008/018 | (936) | Rebeiro, Angela | 1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (937) | Regina Public Library | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (938) | Richmond Art Gallery | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (939) | Ryga, George | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (940) | Ritchie, Elizabeth | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (941) | Robinson, David | 1984-1986 | |
1986-008/018 | (942) | Rosen, Gloria and David | 1984 | |
1986-008/018 | (943) | Rosen, Michael | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (944) | Ross, Paula | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (945) | S., Bill | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (946) | Safarik, Allan | | |
1986-008/019 | (947) | Safronick, James | | |
1986-008/019 | (948) | Saint James Press | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (949) | Jean Sangwine | 1975 | |
1986-008/019 | (950) | Saskatoon Public Library | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (951) | Schendling, Karen | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (952) | Shaffer, Stan | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (953) | Shaw, Jerry | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (954) | Siegler, Karl | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (955) | David and Linda Silcox | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (956) | Simmons, St. John | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (957) | Simon Fraser University | 1976-1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (958) | Simons, Beverley | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (959) | Smith, Steven | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (960) | Sorestad, Glen | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (961) | Sound Poetry Festival | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (962) | Sound Symposium | | |
1986-008/019 | (963) | Sparks, Poky | | |
1986-008/019 | (964) | Spears, Heather | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (965) | Staatsgalevie Stuttgart | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (966) | Steele, Aaron | | |
1986-008/019 | (967) | Stephens, Kevin | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (968) | Stephenson, Joy | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (969) | Strom, Millie | 1975 | |
1986-008/019 | (970) | Suckle, Eddie | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (971) | Svoboda, J.L. | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (972) | Swartz, Jill | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (973) | Talon Books Ltd. | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (974) | Tardos, Anne | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (975) | Taylor, Paul | | |
1986-008/019 | (976) | Tralla, Tiit | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (977) | Trasov, Vincent | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (978) | Trudeau, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott | 198z, | |
1986-008/019 | (979) | Twigg, Alan | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (980) | Ultimatum | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (981) | University of St. Jerome's College | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (982) | University of Western Ontario | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (983) | University of Windsor, Faculty of Law | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (984) | Vakoelo, Eleni | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (985) | Van Bleake, Sharee | 1984 | |
1986-008/019 | (986) | Vancouver Art Gallery | 1984-1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (987) | Van Dyk, Margaret | | |
1986-008/019 | (988) | Vesta Publications Ltd. | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (989) | Virtanen, Leila | | |
1986-008/019 | (990) | Wallace, Bronwen | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (991) | Wallace, Ian | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (992) | Wallace, Keith | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (993) | Wallace, Susan | | |
1986-008/019 | (994) | Wherry, Don | 1985 | |
1986-008/019 | (995) | Whitter, Gaii | 1983 | |
1986-008/019 | (996) | Wiggins, Bill | 1986 | |
1986-008/019 | (997) | Wiseman, Adele | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/020 | (998) | Wood, Wendy | 1985-1986 | |
1986-008/020 | (999) | Woods, Elizabeth | 1986 | |
1986-008/020 | (1000) | World Poetry Festival | 1986 | |
1986-008/020 | (1001) | Yawson, Andrea | | |
1986-008/020 | (1002) | Zend, Janine | 1985 | |
1986-008/020 | (1003) | Zettler, John | 1986 | |
1986-008/020 | (1004) | Ziduliak, Karol | 1984 | |
1986-008/020 | (1005) | Zonailo, Carolyn | 1984-1985 | |
1989-024/001 | (1) | Written by b.b. includes poetry | | |
1989-024/001 | (2) | Arranged alphabetically by first name | | |
1989-024/001 | (3) | Arranged alphabetically by surname | | |
1989-024/001 | (4) | No identification | | |
1989-024/001 | (5) | Greeting cards | | |
1989-024/001 | (6) | Arranged chronologically by month | | |
1989-024/001 | (7) | Incomplete letters | | |
1989-024/001 | (8) | September - December | 1979-1985 | |
1989-024/001 | (9) | January - October | 1986 | |
1989-024/001 | (10) | November | 1986 | |
1989-024/001 | (11) | December | 1986 | |
1989-024/001 | (12) | Miscellaneous | 1987 | |
1989-024/001 | (13) | January | 1987 | |
1989-024/001 | (14) | February | 1987 | |
1989-024/001 | (15) | March | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (1) | Includes 3 letters from b.b. | April 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (2) | May | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (3) | Includes 1 letters from b.b. | June 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (4) | July | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (5) | August | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (6) | September | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (7) | October | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (8) | November | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (9) | December | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (10) | December | 1987 | |
1989-024/002 | (11) | Includes art enclosed letter | 1988 | |
1989-024/002 | (12) | January | 1988 | |
1989-024/002 | (13) | February | 1988 | |
1989-024/002 | (14) | March | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (1) | April | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (2) | May | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (3) | June | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (4) | July | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (5) | August | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (6) | September | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (7) | October | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (8) | November | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (9) | December | 1988 | |
1989-024/003 | (10) | January | 1989 | |
1989-024/003 | (11) | February | 1989 | |
1989-024/003 | (12) | March | 1989 | |
1989-024/003 | (13) | April | 1989 | |
1989-024/004 | (1) | May - June | 1989 | |
1989-024/004 | (2) | Messages | | |
1989-024/004 | (3) | Messages between 103 [Diane] and 118 [bill] | | |
1989-024/008 | (11) | Correspondence. | | |
1989-024/011 | (15) | Acorn, Milton | 1978-1988 | |
1989-031/001 | (3) | Personal Correspondence | 1988-1989 | |
1989-031/001 | (4) | Business Cards | | |
1989-031/001 | (5) | Business Correspondence | | |
1989-031/001 | (6) | Business Correspondence | 1987 | |
1989-031/001 | (7) | Business Correspondence | 1988 | |
1989-031/001 | (8) | Business Correspondence | 1989 | |
1992-009/001 | (6) | Personal correspondence | | |
1992-009/001 | (7) | Personal correspondence | | |
1992-009/001 | (8) | Personal correspondence | | |
1992-009/001 | (9) | Personal correspondence | | |
1992-009/001 | (10) | Personal correspondence | 1983 | |
1992-009/001 | (11) | Personal correspondence | 1986 | |
1992-009/001 | (12) | Personal correspondence | 1987 | |
1992-009/001 | (13) | Personal correspondence | 1988 | |
1992-009/001 | (14) | Personal correspondence | 1989 | |
1992-009/001 | (15) | Personal correspondence | 1989 | |
1992-009/001 | (16) | Personal correspondence | 1989 | |
1992-009/001 | (17) | Personal correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/002 | (18) | Personal correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/002 | (19) | Personal correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/002 | (20) | Personal correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/002 | (21) | Personal correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/002 | (22) | Personal correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/002 | (23) | Personal correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/002 | (24) | Personal correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/002 | (25) | Personal correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/002 | (26) | Personal correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/003 | (27) | Personal correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/003 | (28) | Personal correspondence | 1992 | |
1992-009/003 | (29) | Personal correspondence | 1992 | |
1992-009/003 | (30) | Personal correspondence | 1992 | |
1992-009/003 | (31) | Personal correspondence
[31a - Miscellaneous envelopes] | 1992 | |
1992-009/004 | (34) | Business Cards | | |
1992-009/004 | (35) | Business Correspondence | | |
1992-009/004 | (36) | Business Correspondence | | |
1992-009/004 | (37) | Business Correspondence | 1973 | |
1992-009/004 | (38) | Business Correspondence | 1977 | |
1992-009/004 | (39) | Business Correspondence | 1980 | |
1992-009/004 | (40) | Business Correspondence | 1981 | |
1992-009/004 | (41) | Business Correspondence | 1986 | |
1992-009/004 | (42) | Business Correspondence | 1987 | |
1992-009/004 | (43) | Business Correspondence | 1988 | |
1992-009/004 | (44) | Business Correspondence | 1989 | |
1992-009/004 | (45) | Business Correspondence | 1989 | |
1992-009/004 | (46) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (47) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (48) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (49) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (50) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (51) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (52) | Business Correspondence | 1990 | |
1992-009/004 | (53) | Business Correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/004 | (54) | Business Correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/004 | (55) | Business Correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/005 | (56) | Business correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/005 | (57) | Business correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/005 | (58) | Business correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/005 | (59) | Business correspondence | 1991 | |
1992-009/005 | (60) | Business correspondence | 1992 | |
1992-009/005 | (61) | Business correspondence | 1992 | |
1992-009/005 | (62) | Business correspondence | 1992 | |
1992-009/005 | (63) | Business correspondence | 1992 | |
1996-020/001 | (1) | Letters and greeting cards | 1988- 1991 | |
1996-020/001 | (2) | Letters and greeting cards | 1992 | |
1996-020/001 | (3) | Greeting cards | January - July 1993 | |
1996-020/001 | (4) | Greeting cards | August - December 1993 | |
1996-020/001 | (5) | Letters | January - July 1993 | |
1996-020/002 | (1) | Letters | August - December1993 | |
1996-020/002 | (2) | Letters | January - July 1994 | |
1996-020/002 | (3) | Letters | August - December 1994 | |
1996-020/002 | (4) | Letters | January - August 1995 | |
1996-020/003 | (1) | Personal correspondence | August - December 1995 | |
1996-020/003 | (2) | Personal correspondence | 1996 | |
1999-041/001 | (1) | General | 1991-1998 |
1 of 3
1999-041/001 | (2) | General | 1991-1998 |
2 of 3
1999-041/001 | (3) | General | 1991-1998 |
3 of 3
1999-041/001 | (4) | General | 1997-1999 | |
1999-041/001 | (5) | General | 1998 | |
1999-041/001 | (6) | General | 1996-1998 |
1 of 6
1999-041/001 | (7) | General | 1996-1998 |
2 of 6
1999-041/001 | (8) | General | 1996-1998 |
3 of 6
1999-041/001 | (9) | General | 1996-1998 |
4 of 6
1999-041/001 | (10) | General | 1996-1998 |
5 of 6
1999-041/001 | (11) | General | 1996-1998 |
6 of 6
1999-041/001 | (12) | General | 1996-1998 |
1 of 5
1999-041/001 | (13) | General | 1996-1998 |
2 of 5
1999-041/001 | (14) | General | 1996-1998 |
3 of 5
1999-041/002 | (1) | General | 1996-1998 |
4 of 5
1999-041/002 | (2) | General | 1996-1998 |
5 of 5
1999-041/002 | (3) | General | 1998-1999 |
1 of 4
1999-041/002 | (4) | General | 1998-1999 |
2 of 4
1999-041/002 | (5) | General | 1998-1999 |
3 of 4
1999-041/002 | (6) | General | 1998-1999 |
4 of 4
1999-041/002 | (7) | General | 1997-1998 |
1 of 4
1999-041/002 | (8) | General | 1997-1998 |
2 of 4
1999-041/002 | (9) | General | 1997-1998 |
3 of 4
1999-041/002 | (10) | General | 1997-1998 |
4 of 4
2002-040/001 | (5) | Michelle Bissett | 1993 | |
2002-040/001 | (7) | Adele and Oscar [Campbell] | 1999-2001 | |
2002-040/001 | (8) | Correspondence | 1996-1997 | |
2002-040/001 | (9) | Correspondence | 1998-2002 |
1 of 5
2002-040/001 | (10) | Correspondence | 1998-2002 |
2 of 5
2002-040/001 | (11) | Correspondence | 1998-2002 |
3 of 5
2002-040/001 | (12) | Correspondence | 1998-2002 |
4 of 5
2002-040/001 | (13) | Correspondence | 1998-2002 |
5 of 5
2002-040/001 | (14) | Correspondence, Letters from bissett | 1998-2002 | |
2002-040/001 | (18) | Greeting Cards | 1998-2001 |
1 of 4
2002-040/001 | (19) | Greeting Cards | 1998-2001 |
2 of 4
2002-040/001 | (20) | Greeting Cards | 1998-2001 |
3 of 4
2002-040/001 | (21) | Greeting Cards | 1998-2001 |
4 of 4
2002-040/001 | (23) | Adeena Karasick | 2002 | |
2002-040/001 | (24) | Diana Kazakova | [ca. 2000] |
Compact Disc
2002-040/002 | (4) | Carol Malyon | 1995-2000 | |
2002-040/002 | (5) | Tim Mollard | 2001-2002 | |
2002-040/002 | (6) | P.K. Page | 2001 | |
2002-040/002 | (9) | David Silcox | 2000 | |