F0180 - Rohinton Mistry fonds
Series: S00160


Call Number:

2000-058/005(30)Cicero (Denmark)1998
2000-058/005(31)Articles By or About Mistry1991-1994
2000-058/005(32)Faber and Faber1990-1996 (1 of 2)
2000-058/005(33)Faber and Faber1990-1996 (2 of 2)
2000-058/005(34)Faber and Faber1996-1999
2000-058/005(35)Knopf/Vintage (U.S.)1990-1997
2000-058/005(36)Letters from Readers1991-1996 (1 of 2)
2000-058/005(37)Letters from Readers1991-1996 (2 of 2)
2000-058/005(38)Letters from Readers1997-1999 (1 of 2)
2000-058/006(1)Letters from Readers1997-1999 (2 of 2)
2000-058/006(2)McClelland and Stewart1992-1999
2000-058/006(3)O.A.C. Grants1985-1987
2000-058/006(5)Writers' Development Trust1996-1997 (1 of 2)
2000-058/006(6)Writers' Development Trust1996-1997 (2 of 2)
2000-058/006(7)Miscellaneous Correspondence1984-1999
2000-058/006(8)Correspondence1992-1997 (1 of 3)
2000-058/006(9)Correspondence1992-1997 (2 of 3)
2000-058/006(10)Correspondence1992-1997 (3 of 3)
2000-058/006(11)Correspondence1994-1996 (1 of 3)
2000-058/006(12)Correspondence1994-1996 (2 of 3)
2000-058/006(13)Correspondence1994-1996 (3 of 3)
2000-058/006(14)Correspondence1996-1997 (1 of 3)
2000-058/006(15)Correspondence1996-1997 (2 of 3)
2000-058/006(16)Correspondence1996-1997 (3 of 3)
2000-058/006(17)Correspondence1996-1997 (1 of 2)
2000-058/006(18)Correspondence1996-1997 (2 of 2)
2000-058/006(19)March-October1997 (1 of 2)
2000-058/006(20)March-October1997 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(1)April-May1997 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(2)April-May1997 (2 of 2)
2000-058/007(3)Correspondence, June-Sept1997 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(4)Correspondence, June-Sept1997 (2 of 2)
2000-058/007(5)May-June1998 (1 of 3)
2000-058/007(6)May-June1998 (2 of 3)
2000-058/007(7)May-June1998 (3 of 3)
2000-058/007(8)Correspondence, Nov. 1997-July 19981997-1998 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(9)Correspondence, Nov. 1997-July 19981997-1998 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(10)February-April1999 (1 of 3)
2000-058/007(11)February-April1999 (2 of 3)
2000-058/007(12)February-April1999 (2 of 3)
2000-058/007(13)Miscellaneous Correspondence1999 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(14)Miscellaneous Correspondence1999 (2 of 2)
2000-058/007(15)Miscellaneous Correspondence1999-2000 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(16)Miscellaneous Correspondence1999-2000 (2 of 2)
2000-058/007(17)Miscellaneous Correspondence1999-2000 (1 of 2)
2000-058/007(18)Miscellaneous Correspondence1999-2000 (2 of 2)
2003-007/006(16)Miscellaneous Correspondence2000-2001 1 of 2
2003-007/006(17)Miscellaneous Correspondence2000-2001 2 of 2
2003-007/006(18)Miscellaneous Correspondence2000-2001 1 of 2
2003-007/006(19)Miscellaneous Correspondence2000-2001 2 of 2
2003-007/006(20)Miscellaneous Correspondence, State visit to Germany and Subsequent Cancellation2001 1 of 2
2003-007/006(21)Miscellaneous Correspondence, State visit to Germany and Subsequent Cancellation2001 2 of 2
2003-007/006(22)Miscellaneous Correspondence2000-2001 1 of 2
2003-007/006(23)Miscellaneous Correspondence2000-2001 2 of 2
2003-007/006(24)Miscellaneous Correspondence2002 1 of 3
2003-007/006(25)Miscellaneous Correspondence2002 2 of 3
2003-007/007(1)Miscellaneous Correspondence2002 3 of 3
2003-007/007(2)Miscellaneous Correspondence2002-2003 1 of 2
2003-007/007(3)Miscellaneous Correspondence2002-2003 2 of 2
2003-007/007(4)Correspondence re. Readings Speaking Engagement, etc2000-2002 1 of 3
2003-007/007(5)Correspondence re. Readings Speaking Engagement, etc2000-2002 2 of 3
2003-007/007(6)Correspondence re. Readings Speaking Engagement, etc2000-2002 3 of 3
2003-007/007(7)Correspondence re. Reading, Speaking Engagements etc2002-2003 1 of 3
2003-007/007(8)Correspondence re. Reading, Speaking Engagements etc2002-2003 2 of 3
2003-007/007(9)Correspondence re. Reading, Spearing Engagements etc,2002-2003 3 of 3
2003-007/007(10)Personal Correspondence1999-2002 1 of 3
2003-007/007(11)Personal Correspondence1999-2002 2 of 3
2003-007/007(12)Personal Correspondence1999-2002 3 of 3
2003-007/007(13)Letters from Readers (Including Replies)2000-2002 1 of 2
2003-007/007(14)Letters from Readers (Including Replies)2000-2002 2 of 2
2003-007/008(5)Miscellaneous Correspondence, State Visit to Germany and Subsequent Cancellation2001