F0171 - Nancy Pocock fonds
Series: S00090


Call Number:

1998-041/024(1)Black Rose Books - Winter, Spring, Summer, 1972
1998-041/024(2)The Friend's Quarterly, April 1969, Vol. 16 No. 6
1998-041/024(3)Religion Speaks for Peace
1998-041/024(4)Quakers on Peace, Friends Meeting of Washington
1998-041/024(5)Our Struggle for Peace, FMLN FDR, El SalvadorApril 1982
1998-041/024(6)Crisis in Malaysian Fishing, Consumers Association of PenangNovember 1977
1998-041/024(7)Withdrawing from the Brink in 1963, David L. Edwards, SCM Press Ltd.
1998-041/024(8)The Peace Testimony of Friends in the 20th Century, Friends Coordinating Committee on Peace
1998-041/024(9)The Hole We Are In, Bernard CanterApril 1963
1998-041/024(10)MacBird, Barbara Garson, Grassy Knoll Press Berkley: New York
1998-041/024(11)Human Nature and the Dominion of Fear, Professor Herber Butterfield
1998-041/024(12)Survivors, Marghanita Laski, Naomi Mitchison, Ella Hunter and a Doctor, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
1998-041/024(13)A.J. Muste (title blacked out)
1998-041/024(14)Views and Comments of the Liberation League, Winter 1965
1998-041/024(15)Martha and Mary: A Woman's Relationship to Her Home, Josephine Moffett Benton, Pendle Hill1947
1998-041/024(16)Student Revolts: The New Left in West Germany, F.C. Hunnius, A War Resusters' International Publication
1998-041/024(17)Capital Punishment: United Nations, New York1962
1998-041/024(18)How to deal with a Dictator, A.J. Muste, Fellowship Publications, New York1954
1998-041/024(19)Unarmed against Fascism, A.K. Jameson1963
1998-041/024(20)Friends Testimonies in the Home, Elise Boulding, Religious Education Committee1953
1998-041/024(21)Which Way the Wind? Philip C. Lewis, American Friends Service Committee1959
1998-041/024(22)Sociological Inquiry, Volume 38, number 1, winter 1968
1998-041/024(23)Friends Peace and International Relations Committee, Annual Report1975
1998-041/024(24)Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre1977-1978
1998-041/024(25)Poverty and the Arms Trade, Campaign Against the Arms Trade
1998-041/024(26)World Conference to End the Arms Race, for Disarmament and Detente, HelesinkiSeptember 1976
1998-041/024(27)The Morals of Extermination, Lewis Mumford1959
1998-041/024(28)Programme Politique du Front uni national du Kampuchea (Funk)1970
1998-041/024(29)Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia SpeaksJanuary-February 1971
1998-041/024(30)Documents publies a l'occasion de la Journee Nationale du 23 mars, Paris 1971March 23, 1971
1998-041/024(31)Le Cambodge de Norodom Sihanouk, Gerard Brisse, Paris1971
1998-041/024(32)Temoignages Occidentaux sur la Resistance, Cambodge1970
1998-041/024(33)Planning with You, Editors of the Architectural Forum
1998-041/024(34)Christians and Nuclear Disarmament, Bruce Kent, Frank Williams and Roger Gray
1998-041/024(35)Frontline, Sanctuary
1998-041/024(36)Behind the Vietnam Cease-Fire Agreement, Tad Szulc
1998-041/024(37)Intelligence and Foreign Policy: The CIA's Global Strategy
1998-041/024(38)Offence/Defence: Survival Seminars for Activists
1998-041/024(39)Armaments or Disarmament? Sipri Brochure1980
1998-041/024(40)The Joy that is Set Before Us, Elise Boulding, William Penn Lecture1956
1998-041/024(41)Regionless Christianity of George Fox, Lewis Benson
1998-041/024(42)John Woolman Press1964
1998-041/024(43)Support Czechoslovakia, Michael Randle, April Carter and others
1998-041/024(44)Encounters with Art, Dorthea Blom, Pendle Hill Pamphlet 128 35c1963
1998-041/024(45)Anthology with Comments, Elizabeth Gray Vining, Pendle Hill1951
1998-041/024(46)The Way of Man, Pendle Hill Pamphlet 106, Martin Buber
1998-041/024(47)Delivered into Resistance: Essays. The Advocate Press1969
1998-041/024(48)The Peace Testimony of the Society of Friends, Howard H. Brinton, American Friends Service Committee
1998-041/024(49)Toward Security Through Disarmament, American Friends Service Committee1952
1998-041/024(50)Bomb, Gregory Corso, City Lights Books, San Francisco1958
1998-041/024(51)War Within Man: A Psychological Enquiry into the Roots of Destructiveness, Erich Fromm, American Friends Service Committee1963
1998-041/024(52)The Olney Current, Summer 1992
1998-041/024(53)Imperialism without Invading Armies: Peace, Justice and Multinationals in Southeast Asia, Stewart and Charlotte Meacham1976
1998-041/024(54)Social Defence: Women for Peace, Workgroup Social Defence of Women for Peace[1984?]
1998-041/024(55)lawlawlawlaw......Published by The Trailer
1998-041/024(56)The Ho Chi Minh Trail, Foreign Languages Publishing House
1998-041/024(57)Guia Arquologica Pachacama Archaeological Guide1988

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