F0560 - Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association of Toronto


Series Number:S00467
Series Title:Publications
Extent:0.57 m of textual records
2 photographs : b&w and col. ; 10 x 15 cm and 20 x 25 cm
Scope and Content: Series consists of records pertaining to a number of publications produced by the CIBPA Toronto from the 1950s to the 2000s. The records in this file document the association's work to promote its activities, special events, services and the achievements of Italian-Canadians and association members to the CIPBA membership through newsletters or magazine-style publications. These publications were produced under a variety of names, including Facts & Opinion (1960s-1970s), Column (1970s-1990s), Il Foglio (1981-1982), La Scoperta (1991) and News Briefs (1990s-2000s). Also included in this series are copies of the early CIBA Bulletin (1950s) as well as files pertaining to the advertising, printing, and development of content for the newsletters.
Restrictions on Access and Use: Access to this series is open.
Arrangement: Series is arranged alphabetically according to publication name.

File List - S00467.560.htm

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