F0536 - Stephen Thomas Limited fonds


Series Number:S00385
Series Title:List Department files
Extent:0.4 m of textual records
Scope and Content: Series consists of correspondence, mailing lists orders and order reports. Series documents the activities of the List Department, a division of Stephen Thomas Limited, in 2001. Materials in this series provide information about how mailing lists were managed and brokered for the purposes of direct marketing campaigns.
Restrictions on Access and Use: No restrictions on access.
Arrangement: The files are arranged numerically by mailing list order. Files numbers generally follow the chronological order in which list orders were received.
Other Notes:1. Client files series (S00382) contain information about clients' mailings lists and mailing lists traded or purchased by Stephen Thomas Limited on behalf of its clients. The Mailing files series (S00383) contains records related to the mailing lists used for individual fundraising campaigns that Stephen Thomas Limited conducted for its clients between 1980 and 2004. The New Democratic Party mailing files series (S00384) contains records related to mailing campaigns created by Steve Thomas and Stephen Thomas Limited on behalf of Humber College, Oxfam Canada, federal and provincial levels of the New Democratic Party between 1973 and 2001.

File List - S00385.536.htm

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