Page: 21 of 59
Call Number Faculty/ College/ Centre Department/ Date Type Remarks
1997-041/024 Arts Religious Studies 1975-76 M
1997-041/024 Arts Religious Studies 1977-78 M
1997-041/024 Arts Religious Studies 1983-84 M
1997-041/024 Arts Religious Studies 1986-87 M
2002-054/002 Arts Religious Studies Programme 1987-88 M Supplemental calendar
2002-054/022 Arts Science, Technology Culture & 1994-95 M Supplemental calendar

1997-041/024 Arts Social and Political Thought 1975-76 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social and Political Thought 1978-79 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social and Political Thought 1979-80 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social Science 1975-76 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social Science 1976-77 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social Science 1977-78 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social Science 1978-79 M
1997-041/024 Arts Social Science 1979-80 M
1997-041/025 Arts Social Science 1980-81 M
2002-054/001 Arts Social Science 1982-83 H
2002-054/001 Arts Social Science 1989-90 H
1997-041/025 Arts Social Science 1990-91 M
Type of Publication: c=calendars, m=minicalendars, h=handbooks
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