F0464 - H.V. Nelles fonds


Call Number: 2004-020/001

The Art of Nation Building: Pageantry and Spectacle at Quebec's Tercentenary

(1)Nation Building: Quebec Notes1990-1995
(2)Nation Building: Drafts1995-1996
(3)Nation Building: Second DraftMarch 1997 1 of 3
(4)Nation Building: Second DraftMarch 1997 2 of 3
(5)Nation Building: Second DraftMarch 1997 3 of 3
(6)Nation Building: Third DraftApril 1997 1 of 4
(7)Nation Building: Third DraftApril 1997 2 of 4
(8)Nation Building: Third DraftApril 1997 3 of 4
(9)Nation Building: Third DraftApril 1997 4 of 4
(10)Nation Building: Fourth DraftSeptember 1997 1 of 4
(11)Nation Building: Fourth DraftSeptember 1997 2 of 4
(12)Nation Building: Fourth DraftSeptember 1997 3 of 4
(13)Nation Building: Fourth DraftSeptember 1997 4 of 4
(14)Nation Building: The Memory Box Drafts
(15)Nation Building: Illustrations
(16)Nation Building: Fifth DraftNovember 1997 1 of 5
(17)Nation Building: Fifth DraftNovember 1997 2 of 5
(18)Nation Building: Fifth DraftNovember 1997 3 of 5
(19)Nation Building: Fifth DraftNovember 1997 4 of 5
(20)Nation Building: Fifth DraftNovember 1997 5 of 5
(21)Nation Building: Correspondence and Publicity1995-2001

Politics of Development

(22)Politics of Development: Correspondence, re: Thesis1969-1970
(23)Politics of Development: Chapter One
(24)Politics of Development: Chapter Two
(25)Politics of Development: Chapter Three

Call Number: 2004-020/002
(1)Politics of Development: Chapter Four
(2)Politics of Development: Chapter Five
(3)Politics of Development: Chapter Six
(4)Politics of Development: Chapter Seven
(5)Politics of Development: Chapter Eight
(6)Politics of Development: Endnotes
(7)Politics of Development: Copy Three1973 1 of 3
(8)Politics of Development: Copy Three1973 2 of 3
(9)Politics of Development: Copy Three1973 3 of 3

Private Property and Community Property

(10)Private Property in Peril, Business History Review1971-1973
(11)Community Property, Manuscript1985 1 of 5
(12)Community Property, Manuscript1985 2 of 5
(13)Community Property, Manuscript1985 3 of 5
(14)Community Property, Manuscript1985 4 of 5
(15)Community Property, Manuscript1985 5 of 5

Southern Exposure

(16)Southern Exposure: Copy Edited Manuscript1989 1 of 4
(17)Southern Exposure: Copy Edited Manuscript1989 2 of 4
(18)Southern Exposure: Copy Edited Manuscript1989 3 of 4
(19)Southern Exposure: Copy Edited Manuscript1989 4 of 4

Ontario Council on University Affairs

(20)Review of the Formula Weighting for Theology Programs, Advisory Memorandum1987-1988
(21)Interprovincial Comparisons of University Financing: Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Report of the Tripartite Committee1989-1992
(22)Differentiation Between Honours and General Programs in Arts and Science, Interim Report, Advisory Memorandumm1989-1990
(23)If the Future were the Past, OCA Discussion PaperDecember 1990
(24)Eligibility and Accountability Arrangements for the Further Allocation for Universities Provided in the 1990 Budget, Advisory Memorandum1990
(25)Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Advisory Memorandum1990-1992
(26)Allocation of the Government's Operating Support for the University System, Advisory Memorandum1990-1993
(27)Extraordinary Grant for Algoma College, Advisory Memorandum1990-1991
(28)Access Programs, Advisory Memorandum1991
(29)A Report on the Fall Hearing in Thunder Bay, OCA Technical Paper1991
(30)Retirement and Recruitment, OCUA DiscussionFebruary 1991 Paper
(31)Strategic Program Corridor Funding, Advisory Memorandum1991
(32)The Allocation of the 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 Program Adjustments Envelopes, Advisory Memorandum1990-1992
(33)Graduate Program Funding, Advisory Memorandum1991-1992

Call Number: 2004-020/003
(1)Undergraduate Quasi-Professional Special and Professional Program Funding, Advisory Memorandum1991-1993
(2)The Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program, Advisory Memorandum1991-1993
(3)The Future of the Ontario College of Art, Advisory Memorandum1992
(4)The Development of Nipissing College, Advisory Memorandum
(5)Pseudo-Campus Program Review for the Laurentian University Affiliate, Hearst College, Advisory Memorandum1992
(6)OCUA Seventh Annual Report1980-1981
(7)Brief to the Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario, York University20 August 1984
(8)Ontario Universities: Options and Futures, Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of OntarioDecember 1984
(9)C.O.U. Financing Universities in North AmericaOctover 1988
(10)Briefing for the Minister on the Current Activities of the OCUAAugust 1989
(11)What the Council Heard about Accessibility: The Ontario Dilemma1989
(12)Report of the Fact Finding Committee, re: Insolvency of the College1989
(13)What the Council Heard about Fees, Draft and Final Copy1989
(14)Accessibility to Post Secondary Education and Visible Minorities, The Child, Youth and Family Policy Research Centre3 October 1990
(15)Faculty Renewal in Ontario Universities, Council of Ontario UniversitiesApril 1990
(16)Council of Ontario Universities A Prospective View of University Financing in Ontario, Council of Ontario UniversitiesApril 1990
(17)Program Adjustment Envelopes: 1990-91 and 1991-92May 1990
(18)The Appraisals Process in OntarioOctober 1990
(19)A Recovery Plan for Ontario's Universities1990
(20)Premier's Council1990
(21)Toward a Foreign Language Dimension in Education1991
(22)Maclean's Ranking the Universities21 October 1991
(23)U.S. News America's Best Colleges, U.S. News America's Best Graduate Schools5 June 1992, 22 March 1992
(24)Books and Pamphlets: Stager, David A.A. Focus on Fees. Toronto: COU The Corporate-Higher Education Forum. From Patrons to Partners. Montreal: 1987. Premier's Council Report. People and Skills in the New Global Economy. Toronto: Queen's Printer, 1990. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Vision 2000: Quality and Opportunity. Toronto: 1990. Ontario Council on University Affairs. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1987-1988 Ontario Council on University Affairs. Sixteenth Annual Report, 1989-90. McLaren, Dibgy J. Retrospect and Prospect. Ottawa: The Royal Society of Canada, 1990. Collective Agreement between the Board of Governors of York University and the York University Faculty Association. 1989-1991. La Societe Royale du Canada. Annuaire 1990-1991. Profil de l'Academie nationale. Ottawa: La Societe Royale du Canada, 1990. Statuts. Ottawa: La Societe Royale du Canada, 1990.1987-1991
(25)Loose Papers Found in Vision 2000: Quality and Opportunity (book)

Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS)

(26)Proposal for Centre for Refugee Studies1988
(27)Annual Reports1996-1997,1997-1998
(28)CIDA Review1994
(30)Mission and Membership1995-1997
(32)Brief of Relevant Materials Concerning C.R.S.1996-1997 1 of 3
(33)Brief of Relevant Materials Concerning C.R.S.1996-1997 2 of 3
(34)Brief of Relevant Materials Concerning C.R.S.1996-1997 3 of 3
(35)Revised Proposal, Human Rights Centre[ca. 1999]
(36)Research Centre Task Force1986-1998 1 of 3
(37)Research Centre Task Force1986-1998 2 of 3
(38)Research Centre Task Force1986-1998 3 of 3
(39)Centre for Refugee Studies, Newsletters and Periodicals1992-1998

Call Number: 2004-020/004
(1)CRS Annual Reports1991-1996
(2)Task Force on Research Centres1997-1998 1 of 5
(3)Task Force on Research Centres1997-1998 2 of 5
(4)Task Force on Research Centres1997-1998 3 of 5
(5)Task Force on Research Centres1997-1998 4 of 5
(6)Task Force on Research Centres, Loose Papers1997-1998 5 of 5

Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project

(7)Report of the Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Pilot StudySeptember 2000
(8)Earthquake, Miscellaneous Documents[2000?]
(9)Earthquake Research2000 1 of 2
(10)Earthquake Research2000 2 of 2
(11)Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project, Events 1-62000
(12)Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project, Events 7-82000
(13)Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project, Event 92000
(14)Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project, Event 102000 1 of 2
(15)Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project, Event 102000 2 of 2
(16)Ontario Seismic Data Improvement Project, Event 112000

Correspondence and Subject Files

(17)Sociology 343, Canadian Social History, Lecture Notes1979-1980
(18)Canadian Forum1971-1978 1 of 2
(19)Canadian Forum1971-1978 2 of 2
(20)Canadian Forum, Memoranda and Notices1970-1972 1 of 2
(21)Canadian Forum, Memoranda and Notices1970-1972 2 of 2
(22)Canadian Forum1972-1973 1 of 2
(23)Canadian Forum1972-1973 2 of 2
(24)Canadian Forum, Correspondence and Newspaper Clippings1971-1973
(25)Canadian Historical Association1979-1983
(26)Social History of Canada Series, Correspondence1978-1984 1 of 2

Call Number: 2004-020/005
(1)Social History Series of Canada, Correspondence1978-1984 2 of 2
(2)Social History Series, Manuscripts and Correspondence1979-1981 1 of 3
(3)Social History of Canada Series, Manuscripts and Correspondence1971-1981 2 of 3
(4)Social History of Canada Series, Manuscripts and Correspondence1977-1981 3 of 3

A History of the Sun Life of Canada by Laurence B. Mussio

(5)A Global Vision, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter One1998
(6)A Passion for Protection, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Two
(7)On the Fault Lines of Change, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Two[1998?]
(8)The Logic of Expansion, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Three[1998?]
(9)A World Vision, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Four[1998?]
(10)The Commanding Heights, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Five1 July 1998
(11)Between Wall Street and Main Street, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter[1998?]
(12)Between Wall Street and Main Street, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Six[1998?]
(13)A World of Trouble, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Seven[1998?]
(14)A Harvest of Affluence. Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Eight1 July 1998
(15)A Clear and Present Danger?, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter[1998?] 1 of 2
(16)A Clear and Present Danger?, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter[1998?] 2 of 2
(17)A Clear and Present Danger?, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Nine[1998?]
(18)A World Transformed, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Ten[1998?]
(19)Cultures and the Marketplace, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter[1998?]
(20)Cultures and the Marketplace, Unpublished Manuscript Chapter Eleven
(21)Editorial Committee Package, Unpublished ManuscriptMay 1997 1 of 2
(22)Editorial Committee Package, Unpublished ManuscriptMay 1997 2 of 2
(23)History of the Sun Life of Canada, Unpublished Manuscript, Revised Draft, Part OneAugust 1998
(24)A History of the Sun Life of Canada, Unpublished Manuscript, Revised Draft, Part TwoAugust 1998
(25)A History of the Sun Life of Canada, Unpublished Manuscript, Revised Draft, Part ThreeAugust 1998
(26)A History of the Sun Life of Canada, Unpublished Manuscript, Table and ChartsAugust 1998

Call Number: 2004-020/006
(1)Kirby Memorandum1980

The Art of Nation Building: Pageantry and Spectacle at Quebec's Tercentenary

(2)Nation Building: Making Book: An Intro to Publication in Canada, Seminar to Graduate Students1999
(3)Nation Building: Peer Evaluation1997-1998
(4)Nation Building: Peer Evaluation1997
(5)Nation Building: Reader's Reports1997-1998
(6)Nation Building: Revision, Resubmission1998
(7)Nation Building: Acceptance1998
(8)Nation Building: Contract1997
(9)Nation Building: Editorial Process1998
(10)Nation Building: Proofs1998
(11)Nation Building: Publicity File, TAN-B1999
(12)Nation Building: Video

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