Call Number: 2001-048/001 |
| (1) | Nuclear Weapons | 1999-2000 | |
| (2) | Demeo Annual Report | 1994 | |
| (3) | The Making of a Sociologist | 1986 |
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| (4) | The Making of a Sociologist | 1986 |
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| (5) | The Making of a Sociologist | 1986 |
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| (6) | Treatment for a Cold | | |
| (7) | Book and Article Outlines | 1956-2000 | |
| (8) | Irving Gold | | |
| (9) | Literary Agents in Canada | | |
| (10) | Gar mahood | 1999 | |
| (11) | Sociology of Medicine | 1948-1965 |
1 of 2
| (12) | Sociology of Medicine | 1948-1965 |
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| (13) | Lawrence LeShan | | |
| (14) | The Search: Autobiography | | |
| (15) | Inside Sociology Canada, Unfinished Book | | |
| (16) | Wilhelm Reich | 1981 | |
| (17) | Various Articles | 1967-1969 | |
| (18) | Sylvia Fraser | | |
| (19) | Patterns in Sociology - My Search Outline | | |
| (20) | New Age Bookstores | | |
| (21) | Perennial Philosophy | | |
| (22) | The God Pan, Manuscripts, Szeckely | | |
| (23) | Mother Earth | | |
| (24) | Mann's Book, The Psychic Grill | | |
| (25) | Proposed Book: Deviance and Social Change | 1962, 1968, 1988 | |
| (26) | Norman Alcock | 1997 | |
| (27) | Shattered Vows, Excerpts | | |
| (28) | Mann's Book: Encounters with Remarkable Humans | | |
| (29) | The Waffle, Labour and the NDP | |
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| (30) | The Waffle, Labour and the NDP | |
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| (31) | Sorokin's Autobiography: The Long Journey | | |