F0432 - Clara Thomas fonds


Call Number: 1999-075/001
(1)Artfield, Mary1999
(2)Bowie, Bill and Struthers, Jean1999
(3)Brower, Ruth1999
(4)Clarke, Brenda1999
(5)Cowan, Judith1999
(6)Evans, Dorothy Fowlie1999
(7)Fetherling, Douglas, review, Lucky1999
(8)Gazette, Founders articleJuly 21, 1999
(9)Girling, Harry and Alison1999
(10)Halpenny, Francess1999
(11)Henderson, Dorothy, biography1999
(12)Howells, Coral1999
(13)Irwin, Lorna1999
(14)Jakobfi, Anna1999
(15)Kirk, Heather1999
(16)Kitgawa, Karen1999
(17)Kane, Sean1999
(18)Lamont-Stewart, Linda, Dedication of Garden1999
(19)Lister, Rota1999
(20)Marsden, Lorna, Founders1999
(21)Mathieson, Mary, chapter, Lucky1999
(22)McCandless, Martha1999
(23)Mossman, Mary Jane1999
(24)Nicholls, Ralph, Lucky1999
(25)Rosenthal, Caroline1999
(26)Smith, Donald, Calgary1999
(27)Stepler, Dorothy1999
(28)Stuckey, Johanna, review by C. Thomas, Gazette1999
(29)Thomas, Clara, reviews and articles1998-1999 1 of 2
(30)Thomas, Clara, reviews and articles1998-1999 2 of 2
(31)Thomas, Clara, 80th birthday May 19991999
(32)Thomas, Clara, Founders induction pictures1999
(33)Thomas, Clara, retirement1984
(34)Thomas, Clara, library launch, Lucky1999
(35)Thomas, Steve1999
(36)Tierney, Frank, Borealis1999
(37)Wilson, Catherine1999
(38)Xiques, Donez1999
(39)Active Voice article re. Freeman affair1993
(40)Article, CAUT Bulletin1999
(41)Armitt, Angela1999
(42)Black, Naomi and C. Thomas, "Early Days at York"1998
(43)Bonanno, Giovanni1999
(44)Books in Canada, reviews, C. Thomas1998
(45)Bowley, Willy and Walter1999
(46)Cahill, Agatha1999
(47)Cameron, Ian1998
(48)Cowan, Judith1999
(49)Davidson, True1999
(50)Hanton, Margaret1999
(51)Hutcheon Linda1999
(52)Haworth, Kent1999
(53)Haynes, Robert1999
(54)Henderson, Dorothy, biog. and M.L. home material1999
(55)Henderson, Dorothy, M.L. home material1999
(56)Irvine, Lorna1999
(57)Kent, David1999
(58)Laurence, Margaret1999
(59)Lamont-Stewart Memorial Garden - Gazette1999
(60)Lennox, Anna1999
(61)Mathieson, Mary1999
(62)Matthews, Robin1999
(63)McCandless, Martha1999
(64)McKibbon-Thomas, Sherry1999
(65)McKillop, Duncan1998
(66)Powers, Lyall1999
(67)Smith, Gary1999
(68)Sparrow, Fiona1999
(69)Stuckey, Johanna, article, C. Thomas1999
(70)Struthers, Tim, includes article for his conference1999
(71)Thomas, Clara, Chapters in a Lucky Life, Borealis1999
(72)Thomas, Clara, pictures, launch age dispatch1999
(73)Thomas, Clara, letters to M.L. home returned by Henderson1999
(74)Thomas, Morley, WWI letters to Nellie Auckland1999
(75)Thomas, Steve1998
(76)Van Dijk, Edith1997-1999
(77)Wahl, Herb1998
(78)Watanabe, N.1998
(79)York 40th, Gazette, Marsden1999
(80)Xiques, Donez1999
(81)Armitt, Angela1999
(82)Clifford, Jean, retirement celebration pictures1999
(83)Cahill, Agatha1999
(84)Conron, Brandon1999
(85)Court, John1999
(86)Duncan, Isla1999
(87)Endress, Lori, Thailand1999
(88)Henderson, Dorothy1999
(89)Lamont, Ken and Margo1999
(90)Lennox, Mia1999
(91)Lock, Laurie (Elinor Collins, Strathroy)1999
(92)Marsden, Lorna1997
(93)McCandless, Mabel, old boys, Strathroy1930
(94)Nicholls, R.W.,1999
(95)Peterman, Michael1999
(96)Postcard, Pooh1986
(97)Postill, Mark1999
(98)St. Deiniol's1999
(99)Smith, Gary1999
(100)Stepler, Dorothy1899, 1918, 1936-1943, 1998-1999
(101)Thomas, C. Chapters in a Lucky Life, library launch, pictures1999
(102)Thomas, C. Chapters in a Lucky Life, appreciation1999
(103)Thomas, C. Chapters in a Lucky Life, Fetherling review, Ottawa Citizen1999
(104)Thomas, C., reviews, Books in Canada1999
(105)Thomas, Morley, meteorology celebration1990
(106)Van Dijk, Edith1999
(107)Retirement party photographs1984

Call Number: 1999-075/002
(1)The Way We Live in Manitoba1999
(2)Chapters in a Lucky Life, proofs1999 (1 of 2)
(3)Chapters in a Lucky Life, proofs1999 (2 of 2)

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