F0423 - George Tatham fonds


Call Number: 1988-002/001

Unfinished Methodology and History of Geographic Thought Lectures

(1)Methodology Comments on Physical Geog.n.d.
(3)Biography 00, Landscapen.d.
(6)Nature of Geog., [illegible number] Year Hons., Old Notes and Bibliographyn.d.
(7)Summer Sessionn.d.
(8)Buschingn.d. 1 of 2
(9)Buschingn.d. 2 of 2
(10)Kant -- Geog.1968-1970
(11)Kant[ca. 1968]
(12)Geog. In 18th Century Intellectual Backgroundn.d.
(13)R Fine Geog.n.d.
(14)Renaissance 1450-1650n.d.
(15)Mediaeval Geog. And Cartography IIIn.d.
(16)Mediaeval Geog. IIn.d.
(17)Mediaeval Geog. In.d.
(18)Classical Geog., Roman Period IIn.d.
(19)Classical Cartography1944-1945
(20)History of Geog. Thought, Greek Geog. III1978
(21)History of Geographical Discovery: Classical, Mediaevaln.d.
(22)History of Greek Thoughtn.d.
(23)History of Geog. Thought, Intro.1943

History of Geographic Thought: Individual Authors

(24)Achenwalln.d. 1 of 2
(25)Achenwalln.d. 2 of 2
(27)Peschel, Darwin, Haeckeln.d.
(30)Franzn.d. 1 of 2
(31)Franzn.d. 2 of 2
(32)Frobel, Ludde Pescheln.d.
(34)Gatterern.d. 1 of 2
(35)Gatterern.d. 2 of 2
(36)R. G. S. History [Royal Geographic Society]1968
(37)Haushofer, Geopoliticsn.d.
(38)Haushofer, Poemsn.d.
(39)Hommeyern.d. 1 of 2
(40)Hommeyern.d. 2 of 2
(42)Hettner, Regionsn.d.
(43)Humboldt, Doring ek Flora Friberjonsisin.d.
(44)Von Humboldtn.d.
(45)Humboldt, Alex Von, Lecturesn.d.
(46)Huntington and Bowmann.d.
(47)Kant Critique Lecturen.d.
(48)Kant’s Critiquen.d.
(49)Mary Somervillen.d.
(50)Mentellen.d. 1 of 2
(51)Mentellen.d. 2 of 2

Call Number: 1988-002/002
(1)Newton, 1642-1727n.d.
(2)Philipson, Mittelmeergebietn.d. 1 of 2
(3)Philipson, Mittelmeergebietn.d. 2 of 2
(4)Post Ratzel, Richtofen Marthen.d.
(5)Ratzel Biographyn.d.
(6)Ratzel: Anthropogeog.1899
(7)Ratzel Lecturen.d.
(10)Reine Geog. In.d.
(11)Reine Geog. IIn.d.
(12)Reine Geog. IIIn.d. 1 of 2
(13)Reine Geog. IIIn.d. 2 of 2
(15)Dev. After Ritter and Humboldtn.d.
(17)Ritter, Wisotzkin.d.
(18)Rittern.d. 1 of 2
(19)Rittern.d. 2 of 2
(20)Ritter, Schulzel, Hozeln.d.
(21)Vidal de la Blachen.d.
(22)Zeunen.d. 1 of 2
(23)Zeunen.d. 2 of 2

Political Geography

(24)Political Geog.July 16, 1947
(25)China (Hamilton)1967
(26)Plain of Lombardy: Nap.’s Campaign in Italyn.d.
(28)Italy, Pol. Geog.n.d.
(29)Pol. Geog. Pacific1954
(30)Ethnic Groups in C. Europen.d.
(31)Britain II, 1945--n.d.
(32)Greece Pol.n.d.
(33)Scandinavia and Baltic1941
(36)Russia Final Lecture1964, 1977
(37)USSR Final Lecture[ca. 1965-1972]
(38)Russia, 1918-1939, 1955
(39)Russia, 1870-1914, IIIn.d.
(40)France I, Build, Space Relationsn.d.

Call Number: 1988-002/003
(2)Yugoslavia, 1938
(3)Political Realignment -- FW Europe, 1951
(4)Continental Europe: Political World Traden.d.
(5)Europe Climate, Feb., 1933
(6)USSR General Lecture and Notes1956
(8)Mediaeval Geog.n.d.
(9)Mediterranean II, Climate and Vegetation Lecturen.d.
(10)Great Britain, 1951-1965
(11)Great Britain I[ca. 1965-1975]
(12)Germany Political, 1941-1972
(13)Post-War Germanyn.d.
(14)Mediterranean I, 1939
(15)Mediterranean II, Post 1945
(16)S. Central Europe[ca. 1967]
(19)Hartshorne, Van Valkenburg, Political Geog.n.d.
(20)Pol. Geog. III, Mackindern.d.
(22)Sauer, Carln.d.
(23)Pol. Geog., Bibliographyn.d.
(24)Pol. Geog., Extra Mural Syllabus, 1941-1944
(26)Pol. Geog. I[ca. 1956]
(27)Gettysburg, 1957
(28)Israel I, Pol. Geog., 1977
(29)Israel IV[ca. 1974-1975]
(30)Russia Political II1967
(31)Geog. 303 - Reading Lists and Books Ordered1967-1968
(32)Spain Political[ca. 1966-1975]
(33)France: Background of the War, 1940
(34)Spain Political Notesn.d.
(35)Cyprus[ca. 1970-1975]
(36)Medir Polit. 1937n.d.
(37)Israel Background Material[ca. 1960-1975]
(38)Regional Geog. Of Paris Basin Mapsn.d.
(39)Oil -- Middle East1974
(40)Political Geog. Israel, The Jews -- Notes[ca. 1946-1970]

Call Number: 1988-002/004
(1)Civilised Societies II, China, India[ca. 1975]
(2)Cultural Evolution Renaissancen.d.
(3)Expansion of Europe Overseasn.d.
(4)Racial Geog.n.d.
(5)Social Geog. III[ca. 1975]
(6)Socialn.d. 1 of 2
(7)Socialn.d. 2 of 2
(8)Thalassic Culture -- Mediaeval1975
(9)Cultural IV: Evolution of Modern European Culture, Spread[ca. 1955-1963]
(10)Cultural Dev. II: Chalcolithic ? Urban Dev.n.d.
(11)Social Geographyn.d.


(12)France: Industrial Prod. And Energyn.d.
(13)French Alps Notesn.d.
(14)French Juran.d.
(15)France: Climate1929
(16)Paris Basin Map Sheet Interp.n.d.
(18)Paris Basinn.d.
(19)Lyons Mid. V of Rhonen.d.
(20)France de L’Ouestn.d.
(21)La France de L’ Est Lecturesn.d.
(22)Burgundy Lecturesn.d.
(23)Normandy Lecturesn.d.
(24)Rhone Saone Corridorn.d.
(25)France de L’Ouest Notesn.d.
(26)Paris Basin Notesn.d.
(27)Regions of the Central Massifn.d.
(28)Regional Geography of Francen.d.
(29)Massif Central Lectures In.d.
(30)Champagne o Picardien.d.
(31)Structure Francen.d.
(32)France de Ouest II, Borders of Brittanyn.d.
(33)France de L’Ouestn.d.
(34)Massif Central Lectures IIIn.d.
(35)Massif Central Lectures IIn.d.
(36)Basin of Aquitainen.d.
(37)Paris Basinn.d.
(38)Alsace Lorraine Notesn.d.
(39)Le Midi[ca. 1946-1972]
(40)Picardy Champagnen.d.
(41)Pyrenees Notesn.d.
(42)S. of Paris Basin: Moruon, Nivervais, Berry, Lecturesn.d.
(43)Paris Basinn.d.
(44)32 Areas, Paris Basin Lecturesn.d.
(45)France N. E. Frontier Notesn.d.
(46)France and W. Europen.d.
(47)France N. E. Frontier II[ca. 1971-1972]
(48)France III, N. E. Frontier[ca. 1967-1976]

Assorted Political Geography

(51)Historical Geog. Britain Newcastle Lectures IIn.d.
(52)Britain and European Culturen.d.

Call Number: 1988-002/005
(1)Europe Natural Regionsn.d.
(2)Geog. Regions Central Europen.d.
(3)Cultural Geog. Europe, 1918-1970[ca. 1975-1978]
(4)Greece Regional -- Sion.n.d.
(5)Europe Minerals Notesn.d.
(6)Europe: Industrial Working Papers, 1970
(8)Geog. Evaluationn.d.
(9)Sicily, Sardinia, Etc...n.d.
(10)Italy, Sion.n.d.
(11)E. Europe, Philippson Notesn.d.
(12)Spain Notesn.d.
(13)Switzerlandn.d. 1 of 2
(14)Switzerlandn.d. 2 of 2
(16)Lect. I-XVII, Finlandn.d.
(20)Portugal, Sorren.d.
(21)Poland Regional F4n.d.
(22)Italian Peninsula and Sicilyn.d.
(23)Alpine Europen.d.
(24)Continental Europe1954 1 of 2
(25)Continental Europe1954 2 of 2
(26)Europe: Mediterranean Natural RegionsFebruary 16, 1928
(27)Cultural Evol. Med.n.d.
(28)Personality of Europe Notesn.d.
(29)Britain -- Social1976
(30)Spain Regionaln.d.
(32)S. C. Europe1978
(33)Scandinavia -- Nordic[ca. 1977]
(34)Geog. Regions N. W. Europe1975
(35)Mediterranean Notesn.d.
(36)Structure Europe1980
(38)Soils Europe1927
(39)Climate Europen.d.
(40)Cultural Evolution Palæolithic -- Urban Revolution, In.d.
(41)Exams[ca. 1974-1978]
(42)Europe II B: Character of Europen.d.
(43)Europe Bibliog.n.d.
(44)Europe II A: Concept of Continentn.d.
(45)Europe Exams1970-1977
(46)Neolithic[ca. 1975]

Call Number: 1988-002/006
(1)Carnac, Stonehengen.d.
(2)Europe Industrial Lectures[ca. 1968-1977]
(4)Europe, Energy, Industrial I[ca. 1977]
(5)Land Use Europen.d.
(6)Language, Religion1951
(7)Low Countries Lecturesn.d.
(9)Massif Central Lecture IIIn.d.
(10)Auvergne Viallatten.d.
(11)N. E. France Structuren.d.
(12)France 1939 --1960-1975
(13)Alsace Lorraine, Surveying, Stadia Tablesn.d.
(14)Man’s Place in Nature (Geog. 2A)n.d.
(16)S. Africa1974-1975
(17)Apartheid VI, High Communism Territories[ca. 1966-1976]
(18)Human Geog. II A: Man Distributionn.d.
(19)Apartheid II B: Britishn.d.
(20)Bechuanaland VIIn.d.
(21)Apartheid V, S. W. Africa, Solutions and Possible Sources of Conflict[ca. 1975-1976]
(22)Apartheid IV, Modern[ca. 1970-1976]
(23)Cultural Geog. 2, Agriculture (Hore)n.d.
(24)Cultural Geog., Nomadism Sahara, 1939-1976
(25)India Culturaln.d.
(26)Cultural, Civilised Societies I, Near Eastn.d.
(27)Human Geog. II, 3 Factors: Man, Culture and Environment1951-1960
(28)Civilised Societies III, C. America1947
(29)Human Geog. IV, Racial Geog., Taylor, Fleuren.d.
(30)Social Science II, Lecture 3n.d.
(31)Sorre, Human Geog.1983
(32)Apartheid II, Port o Dutch1969-1985
(33)Apartheid III[ca. 1971-1977]
(34)Cultural Geog. 3, Halbkülturvölkes, Garden, Plough, Agric. Nomadismn.d.

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