F0579 - Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association Associacao Democratica Portuguesa (PCDA)


Call Number: 2009-022/001
(1)Estaetutos da Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association Portuguese Canadian Democratic Community Centre1969, 1977, 1990
(2)Letters patent: The Portuguese Canadian Democratic Community Centre1988
(3)Assembleia geral livro de actas: general ledger of PCDA1976-1986
(4)Livro de Actas da Direcao [iniciado ?] em [Feveriero?] de 1978 : H. Leitz1978-1985
(5)Continuacao da Acta do d. Recgao da P.C.D.A. esta Come caca no dia 12 de Feverieiro de 1985 de Acta #6- 1985 a acta #30 19861985-1986
(6)Continuacao da acta da direcao da PCDA esta comecada ano dia 18-7-86 acta# 31 de 198 a acta# [16] de [1989]18 July 1986-27 May 1989
(7)Actas- Assembleia geral5 February 1995- 12 February 2006, 11 August 2002
(8)Actas da direcao 2000 ate 20044 February 2000- 8 October 2004, 23 February 2007
(9)A Verdade | The Truth: bulletin of the Portuguese Canadian Democratic AssociationNovember 1964- May 1965
(10)A Verdade | The Truth: bulletin of Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association15 May 1965- arch 1966
(11)A Verdade: orgao das juntas patrioticas ano. III no. 9September 1965
(12)A Verdade | The Truth: bulletin of Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association1966- 1968
(13)O Boletim: publicado pela Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association ano. I no. 2-12; ano. II no. 13, 19; ano. IV no. 291970- 1973
(14)Poems by Jose Carlos Ary Dos Santos. -- Includes I. Memoria de Adriano II. Sonata de Outono III. Ao meu Falecido Irmao Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage IV. Telegrama Para Gomes Leal V. Sonata de Ines VI. Puesta-Orgasmo VII. Insonia VIII. Infancia
(15)Press releases, statements, radio interview transcripts re. Goa, Alvaro Cunhial, Guinee, Cabo Verde, Angola1962- 1968, 1991
(16)O militante: boletim do Comitee central do Partido Comunista Portugue's ano. 32 serie III. no. s 129, 131- 1341964
(17)Avante!: orgao central do Patido Comunista Portugue's ano. 34: serie VI: nos. 348- 349; ano. 35: serie VI: nos. 352, 360, 366- 369; ano. 40: serie VI: nos. 423, 427-428, 430- 4321964- 1971

Call Number: 2009-022/002
(1)Correspondence of Fernando Ciriaco da Cunha1960- 1961
(2)Comunicadosda Frente Portuguesa de Libertacao Nacional (Humberto Delgodo, et. al.) Dezembro 19641960- 1965
(3)Dossier Sobre os preparativos do movimento revolucionario do Bat-alhao cacadores paraquedistas[ca. 1962?]
(4)Correspondence of Firmino de Oliveira, President of PCDA1963- 1964
(5)Apelo do VI Congresso do Partido Comunisto Portugues[between 1964 and 1970?]
(6)Correspondence of Guilherme Antunes dos Santos1964
(7)Expulsao dum membro do Comitee Central do Partido Comunista Portugues1964
(8)Movimento: boletim informativo e cultural do "Movimento Democratico Portugues" ano 1. no. 2 (Montreal)July 1965
(9)P.A.I.G.C. libertacao: Unidade e 'luta orgao do Partido Africano da Independencia da Guinee 'e Cabo Verde no. 58September 1965
(10)Correspondence from Frente Patriotica de Libertacao Nacional1966- 1967
(11)General correspondence of P.C.D.A.1967- 1992
(12)Portogollo libero: bollettino d'informazione del Fronte Patriottico di Liberazione Nationale annol. no. 1February 1969
(13)Portugal Informafao: publicado pela comissao central de coordenacap da f.p.l.n. em FrancaOctober 1970-January 1971 no. 3, 4
(14)Os militares na Revolucao de Abril[ca. 1974?] annoted "very important"
(15)General correspondence1985, 2007
(16)Correspondence 2nd documents re. General Vasco Goncalves, Prime Minister of Portugal1988- 1992
(17)Grant no. EF 92-435- "My Dream, Your Dream": correspondence1997
(18)[Lostas-Presencas?]1998- 2002

Call Number: 2009-022/003

Correspondencia- 1959 a 1962: Documentos

(1)Correspondencia enviada- (politica) 1960 a 19621960- 1966
(2)1961 a 1962 Luso-Canadiano1961- 1962 correspondencce with O Luso-Canadiano newspaper
(3)1959 a 1962 correspondencia1958- 1962
(4)Cartas 19591959
(5)Correspondencia recebida e Expedida 1961/62 Nacoes Unidas- Novalorque1961- 1968
(6)Recortes de impensa 1960 a 1974 correspondencia devolvida1960- 1974

Recortes de Imprensa de 1964 a 1965

(7)Frente Patriotica de Libertacao National correspondencia recebida 19651965- 1967
(8)Correspondencia expedida 64/651964- 1965
(9)F.A.P 1965: Frente de Accao Popular1964- 1967
(10)Informacao em frances sobre as tropelias dos governos de [Solaza Margo?] 1965 G. Revolucionario, Angola exilio (GRAE) 123March- April 1965
(11)Assuntos Canadianos (propaganda); Assuntos Canadianos (cartas recebidas)1962, 1964
(12)Directorio de Libertacao Nacional 1963 a 1965 cartas1963- 1966
(13)Facturas Pagas 1964 recortes de jornais1964- 1965
(14)Cartas e [sensgoes?] a democratas 1965 Acusacoes da P.I.D.E.1965
(15)Comite interno- confidencial1964- 1965
(16)Frente Patriotica de Libertacao Nacional correspondencia recebida 19641964


(17)1960 a 1962. -- Consists of correspondence, flyers, pamphlets re. community events, conference for the Amnesty of Portuguese Political Prisoners (Toronto) and Canadian- Portuguese Democratic Committee1960- 1966
(18)News clippings and reports re. Portuguese politics, execution of Gen. Humberto Delgado, rebellions in Mozambique, Angola, stamps1965, 1970
(19)Movimento Democratico de Lo. Portugal colonias Venezuela1964- 1966
(20)News clippings re. Portuguese International Affairs1964- 1966
(21)A Oposicao democratica entregou ao Sr. Presidente da Republica uma exposicao sobre a actual situacao politica14 November 1966

Call Number: 2009-022/004


(1)Portugal Democratico Brasil 19661965- 1969
(2)Correspondencia 19661966
(3)Resolucoes ecartas da Conferencia Canadiana para Amnistia aos presos politicos Portugueses [ratificada em?] 29-29-30- Outubro 196628- 30 October 1966
(4)Campanha de natal para os presos politicos 19661966
(5)Lista das ofertas para custear despesas para Apoiopara a Conferencia Canadiana de Apoio aos Presos Politicos Portugueses 28/29/30 de Octubro/66 Unido internacional dos estudantes
(6)Congresso 19661966- 1967
(7)Amnistia Internacional 1965/19661966
(8)Conferencia despesas e receita 12 September 19661966
(9)Correspondence with Postovni Urod (Checkoslovakia), Frente Patriotica de Libertacao Nacional (Portugal), Movimento Democratico de Libertacao de Portugal e Colonias (Venezuela) Silas Cerqueira (France), Committee Pro-Democracy in Portugal (USA), activists in Brazil, Algeria, England, Uruguay and Belgium1966- 1967
(10)Uniao Mulheres Portugueses (Montevideo, Uruguay) 1965 e 19661965- 1966
(11)P.A.I.G.C. Partido Africano da Independencia Guine e Cabo Verde 19661966

1967 e 1969

(12)Receitas - receipt ledger book1966- 1974
(13)Estatutos da Protuguese Canadian Democratic Associationca. 13 September 1969
(14)Correspondencia expedida 1969
(16)Correspondence1965, 1967, 1969
(17)Correspondencia recebida- movimento to Montreal 19691966- 1969
(18)Membership dues ledger1964- 1968
(19)Correspondencia recebida e expedida 19671966- 1967
(20)Originais de Artigos Bulletin 1966[ca. 1966]
(21)Correspondence, newsletters, financial records1969
(23)Listas[ca. 1967?] membership? Subscription?
(24)Listas[ca. 1969- 1972] membership? Subscription?
(25)Relatorio de actividades da direccao da P.C.D.A. para o ano de 19811981
(26)Estatutos 19691969


(27)Draft page layouts for "O Boletim" and other PCDA publications[ca. 1973?]
(28)O Comunidade: jornal comunitario portugues ano 1 serie 1 no. 115 November 1980
(29)Dossier Emigracao[ca. 15 February 1980]
(30)Conta- corrente (1964- 1968)1964- 1968
(31)[Correspondence, newsletters and reports]1968
(32)Despesas1967- 1974

Call Number: 2009-022/005
(1)Conferencia para presos politicos Comitee Canadiano 1968`1966- 19681966- 1968
(2)Frente Patriotica de Liberacao Nacional correspondencia recebida 1966+67+681964- 1968

1970- Diversos

(3)Reports, correspondence, news releases re. P.C.D.A. Portuguese government, Angola1967- 1970
(4)Diversos 19701970
(5)Recortes de jornais varios anos: news clippings and articles1966, 1970- 1974
(6)PCDA: relatorio de actividades e contas da direccao1970- 1971

1971- Diversos

(7)Mes a da assembeia geral 19711970- 1971 1 of 2
(8)Mes a da assembeia geral 19711970- 1971 2 of 2
(9)Assuntos Internos da P.C.D.A. Jornal "Avante" de 1971

1973- Diversos

(10)PCDA Inventario1984, 1987, 1989
(11)Relatorio de actividades Manifestcao publica de Esclarecimento sobre o regime Fascista Portugues efectuada pela PCDA no periodo de 7 a 13 Junho 1970 (comemoracoes Semana Portuguesa)June 1971
(12)72/73 Conta/ corrente1972- 1975
(13)Estatutos da PCDA 19721972- 1973

Call Number: 2009-022/006
(1)Arquivo 1973 Federacao das organizacoes de Toronto 19731972- 1973


(2)Actas da direccao[1974] ledger
(3)General correspondence, newsletters, bulletins, local adverts1972- 1974, 1979- 1980 1 of 2
(4)General correspondence, newsletters, bulletins, local adverts1972- 1974, 1979- 1980 2 of 2
(5)Portugal a Democracia a Descolonizacao e a Alianca Atlantica / Mario Soares, Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros1974
(6)Treasurer's cashbook1974- 1978

1975- Diversos

(7)Arquivo 19751974- 1975
(8)Documentos do ano 19751974- 1975
(9)Correspondence wit Partido Comunista Portugues, Consulado de Portugal and others1974- 1975
(10)General correspondence re. revolution1974- 1975
(11)General correspondence1976- 1977


(12)Correspondence, reports, minutes, posters, bulletins1976- 1977, 1981
(13)Livro das actas 1976January 1976-December 1977

Call Number: 2009-022/007
(1)Correspondencia enviada- 19761976


(2)General correspondence, reports, minutes, posters, bulletins1977
(3)Estatutos da Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association Aprovados em 30 Outubro 197730 October 1977
(4)Reports, correspondence, bulletins1977
(5)Balancete de 1977 | Balance sheet for 19771977
(6)Correspondence, committee reports, and documentation1977
(7)Ficha de socio efectivo1977
(8)News clippings, pamphlets, bulletins, reports1977
(9)Estatutos antigos1977, 1988


(10)Conta- Corrente (1974- 1978)October 1974-February 1978
(11)Arquivo Conta Corrente 1978
(12)Boletim noticioso para a emigracao Nota informativa1978
(13)Nota informativa1978 Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros Secretaria de Estado da Emigracao

Call Number: 2009-022/008
(1)Forms, posters, correspondence1978
(2)A emigracao mes a mes1978
(3)Escrola de ingles 1978


(4)Arquivo 19781978
(5)Arquivo 1978 correspondencia recebida1978
(6)Arquivo 1978 correspondenica expedida1978
(7)Boletim noticioso para a emigracao1978 1 of 2 Consulado Geral de Portugal
(8)Boletim noticioso para a emigracao1978 2 of 2


(9)Meeting notes?1979, 1980 waterdamage
(10)General correspondence, press releases, bulletins1979- 1980
(11)Arquivo 19791979
(12)Boletim noticioso para emigracao1979 Consulado Geral de Portugal


(13)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, press releases]1979- 1980
(14)Reports, publications, correspondence, municipal government1980

Call Number: 2009-022/009


(1)Propostas de novos Socios1981
(2)Direccao 81 (documentos)1981
(3)Cartas de Demissao de Socios1981
(4)Organizacoes Portuguesas 170 Canada e Organizacoes Portuguesas (correspondencia de 1981)1981


(5)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins]1986
(6)CCW 19861985- 1986 Congress of Canadian Women
(7)Portugal - Cuba 1986


(8)[General correspondence, reports, minutes, bulletins and posters]1986 1 of 2
(9)[General correspondence, reports, minutes, bulletins and posters]1986 2 of 2


(10)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, invitations and advertisements]1987 1 of 2

Call Number: 2009-022/010
(1)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, invitations and advertisements]1987 2 of 2
(2)General correspondence, reports, bulletins, invitations and advertisements re. World Congress of Women, Congress of Canadian Women, Canadian Peace Congress"1987
(3)Relatorio de actividades e contas da PCDA do ano de 1987[January 10 1988?]
(4)Proposta para socio efectivo1986- 1990


(5)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, and committee documentation]1988 1 of 3
(6)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, and committee documentation]1988 2 of 3
(7)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, and committee documentation]1988 3 of 3


(8)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, and committee documentation]1989 1 of 2
(9)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, and committee documentation]1989 2 of 2

Call Number: 2009-022/011


(1)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, committee documentation and memberships]1990 1 of 3
(2)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, committee documentation and memberships]1990 2 of 3
(3)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, committee documentation and memberships]1990 3 of 3


(4)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, committee documentation and memberships]1991 1 of 2
(5)[General correspondence, reports, bulletins, financial information, petitions, committee documentation and memberships]1991 2 of 2


(6)[General correspondence, planning documents re. organization activities and projects, bulletins, financial information, committee documentation]1992 1 of 3

Call Number: 2009-022/012
(1)[General correspondence, planning documents re. organization activities and projects, bulletins, financial information, committee documentation]1992 2 of 3
(2)[General correspondence, planning documents re. organization activities and projects, bulletins, financial information, committee documentation]1992 3 of 3

Call Number: 2009-022/013

Oversized material

(1)A Voz: Portuguese Canadian newspaperOctober 1990 ano II, edicao 82
(2)O Despertar da Aurora29 April 1992 ano I, edicao 1
(3)Alianca community newspaperApril 1992 ano V
(4)Nove Ilhas : Voice of Portugal23 March 1995 ano II, eidcao 27
(5)Projecto da chaminee da cozinha. Portuguese Canadian Democratic Community Centre, 860B College Street Concord21 September 1990 1 blueprint : 60 x 90 cm.
(6)25 de Abril de 1974 rumo ao socialismo [scrapbook]1974, 1994 Includes 17 photographs : b&w ; 30 x 40 cm and smaller + news clippings, magazine issue.
(7)Framed portraits of Ary dos Santos, Portuguese community members.[after 1984?] Includes 1 drawing : pencil ; 27.5 x 35 cm. -- 2 photographs : col. and b&w ; 28 x 36 cm.

Call Number: 2009-022/014

Photograph albums and miscellaneous photographs

(1)Photo album of community celebrations, musical performances, public speakers, 29th anniversary celebrations of PCDA, 25 de Abril commemorations, street parades, folk dancers[196-? - 2001]
(2)Photo album of PCDA meetings, murals, community figures, public speakers, community celebrations, musical performances[196-? - 198-?]
(3)Photo album of community celebrations, musical performances, folk dancers, dinners, construction sites, agricultural work1974 - 2002
(4)Photo album of community events, 25 de Abril commemorations, public speakers, street protests vs. nuclear war, musical performances, religious processions, folk dances1974 - 2002
(5)Photo album of community celebrations, postcards of the 1974 Revolution, public speakers, street parades, community theatre1974-1998
(6)Photo album of community events and celebrations, musical performances, public speakers, religious processions, dinners, political processions, murals1974-2002
(7)Photographs of manifestacao do 1o de Maio, Dia do Trabalhador, Lisboa, Portugal. -- Consists of 16 photographs : b&w and col. ; 11.5x 18 cm and smaller.1 May 1975 Also includes photographs from 1990s.
(8)Anos 1993 1994 1995 1996. Photo album of community celebrations, public speakers, 25 de Abril commemorations, musical performers1987-2001 ; 1993-1996 predominent

Call Number: 2009-022/015
(1)Photo album of community celebrations, musical performances, public speakers, artwork, folk dances, street parades, dinners, 25 de Abril commemorations[198-?]
(2)Photo album of musical performers, children's activities[198-?]
(3)Photo album of community celebrations, cenotaph, musical performances, folk dances, church service[198-?]
(4)Miscellaneous photographs of community celebrations, musical performances, folk dances, public speaking,25 de Abril commemorations[between 1980 and 1989?]
(5)Photo album of children's activities, musical performances, Christmas celebrations, 25 de Abril commemorations1981-1998
(6)Miscellaneous photographs of community celebrations, musical performances, folk dances, public speaking, 25 de Abril commemorations. -- Consists of 76 photographs : col. ; 10 x 15 cm.1981-2002 ; 1990-2002 predominant
(7)Photo album of tile mural, community dinner, street procession, vigil at Queen's Park, Toronto city hall, craft vendors, street parade[199-?]
(8)Alianca, Queen's Park, [Ieardo Band | Pioncos?]. Photo album of musical performances, community gatherings, vigil at Toronto city hall and Queen's Park[199-?]
(9)Photo album of community celebrations, folk dances, musical performances, artwork[ca. 1991?]
(10)Photo album of PCDA volunteers, community celebrations, folk dances, barbecues, street parades, murals, dinners[between 1991 and 1995?]
(11)Photo album of community barbecues, bull fight1996-2001
(12)Fall River 1997 Photo album of community celebrations, street parade in unknown [American?] city1997
(13)Photo album of street parade at Dundas and Ossington, Toronto, Ontario2001
(14)Portraits of Ary dos Santos, Adriano Correia de Oliveira, commemoration of 1974 Revolution and group portrait of children's bandolim orchestra[before 2002?] previously framed

Call Number: 2009-022/016

Objects, flags and textiles

(1)Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association Associacao Democratica Portuguesa (PCDA) anniversary buttons
(2)Embroidered national flag of Portugal
(3)Embroidered banners for Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association Associacao Democratica Portuguesa (PCDA)
(4)Polyester national flags of Portugal, Canada
(5)Large canvas banner commemorating the Carnation Revolution
(6)Guest book for Portuguese Canadian Democratic Association Associacao Democratica Portuguesa (PCDA)1984 - 2002

Call Number: 2009-022/017

Audio cassettes

(1)Discurso dos socios fundadores 25 Abril /88. -- Consists of 1 audio cassette.26 April 1988
(2)37o Aniversario da PCDCC. -- Consists of 1 audio cassette.
(3)Cancoes de Maio. -- Consists of 1 audio cassette.
(4)Musica P. Jograis c13 | Hinos Nacionais Canada Portugal Port. (Cantado) Brazileiro. -- Consists of 1 audio cassette.
(5)Que Viva Abril 1974-1999 | 25 Aniversario da Revolucao de Abril. -- Consists of 1 audio cassette.1999

Call Number: 2009-022/018

VHS cassettes

(1)Acores. -- Consists of 1 videocassette (ca. 30 min.) : NTSC[before 2000?]

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