F0560 - Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association of Toronto
Series: S00467


Call Number:

2008-011/084(13)ColumnSept.-Oct. 1978
2008-011/084(14)ColumnNov.-Dec. 1978 2 copies
2008-011/084(15)ColumnJan.-Feb. 1979 3 copies
2008-011/084(16)ColumnMar.-May 1979
2008-011/084(17)Column1982 2 copies
2008-011/084(18)ColumnNov. 1991 2 copies
2008-011/084(19)ColumnJan. 1992 2 copies
2008-011/084(20)ColumnMay 1992 2 copies
2008-011/084(21)ColumnSept. 1993 2 copies
2008-011/084(22)ColumnWinter 1994 2 copies
2008-011/084(23)ColumnSpring 1994 2 copies
2008-011/084(24)Ad rates[ca. 1992]
2008-011/084(25)Advertising invoices for Column1979
2008-011/084(26)Advertising invoices for Column1980
2008-011/084(27)Advertising lists for Column1979
2008-011/084(28)CIBPA Column : postage application1978-1979
2008-011/084(29)CIBPA Column, vol. 1, no. 2 : advertisement payments1979
2008-011/084(30)Column. -- 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 25 cm. -- Photograph depicts Clement W. Nusca, Angelo Nusca and Bridget Nusca. Photo was published in the Galveston Daily News pertaining to a reunion between father Angelo and son Clement, from Toronto, after a separation of 57 years.1979, 1981 Photographer Linda J. Westerlage
2008-011/084(31)Column : advertising : correspondence1979
2008-011/084(32)Invoices for Column1978-1979
2008-011/084(33)Invoices for Column1980-1981
2008-011/084(34)Potential articles for Column1973, 1977-1978
2008-011/084(35)Advertisers' list for Facts and opinion[19-]
2008-011/084(36)Fact & opinion1970-1971
2008-011/084(37)Facts & opinionNov. 1974 2 copies
2008-011/084(38)Facts & opinion, March 1975 : correspondence1974-1975
2008-011/084(39)Facts & opinion June 1975 issueMay-June 1975
2008-011/084(40)Facts and opinion advertisers1976
2008-011/084(41)CIBA bulletin1957-1959
2008-011/084(42)CIBPA Montreal bulletin1955, 1971
2008-011/085(1)CIBPA Toronto newsletter1979, 1986-1994 1 of 2
2008-011/085(2)CIBPA Toronto newsletter1979, 1986-1994 2 of 2
2008-011/085(3)La scopertaFeb. 1991
2008-011/085(4)La scopertaMay 1991
2008-011/085(5)News briefs1994-1995
2008-011/085(6)News briefs1996-1997
2008-011/085(7)News briefs1998
2008-011/085(8)News briefs1999-2000
2008-011/085(9)News briefs2001
2008-011/085(10)News briefs2002-2003
2008-011/103(28)Almanacco : the annual book on Italy1981
2008-011/103(29)CIBPA year book1979-1980
2008-011/103(30)Column, vol. 2, no.1 : letters to advertisers1979-1980
2008-011/103(31)Contact (vol. 1, no.1)Nov. 1980 Written in French, English
2008-011/103(32)Contact (vol. 1, no. 2)Nov. 1980 Written in French, English, Italian
2008-011/103(33)Contact (vol. 4, no. 4)May 1983 Written in French, English, Italian
2008-011/104(1)Fact & opinion (vol. 1, no. 1)1962
2008-011/104(2)Fact & opinion (vol. 1, no. 3)1962
2008-011/104(3)Fact & opinion (vol. 2, no. 1)Mar. 1963
2008-011/104(4)Fact & opinion (vol. 2, no. 2)July 1963
2008-011/104(5)Facts & opinion : advertising clippings[197-]
2008-011/104(6)Facts & opinion : advertising invoices1975
2008-011/104(7)Facts & opinion (Fall 1975
2008-011/104(8)Il foglioFeb. 1981
2008-011/104(9)Il foglioMar. 1981
2008-011/104(10)Il foglioApr. 1981
2008-011/104(11)Il foglioJune 1981
2008-011/104(12)Il foglioSept. 1981
2008-011/104(13)Il foglioMar. 1982
2008-011/104(14)Il foglio : correspondence and drafts1981-1982
2008-011/104(15)News & information : original copyAug. 1986
2008-011/104(16)News & information : original copyJan. 1987
2008-011/104(17)News and information briefs1987-1992
2008-011/104(18)News briefs : advertising materials1998-1999
2008-011/104(19)News briefs (Nov. 1997
2008-011/104(20)News briefs (Dec. 1997
2008-011/104(21)News briefs : original copy1 May 1995
2008-011/104(22)News briefs : original copy15 Apr. 1996
2008-011/104(23)News briefs : original copy15 July 1996
2008-011/104(24)News briefs : original copy1 Sept. 1996
2008-011/104(25)News briefs : original copyApr.-May 1997
2008-011/105(1)News briefs : resource materials1997-1998 1 of 5
2008-011/105(2)News briefs : resource materials. -- 1 photograph : col. ; 10 x 15 cm.1997-1998 2 of 5
2008-011/105(3)News briefs : resource materials1997-1998 3 of 5
2008-011/105(4)News briefs : resource materials1997-1998 4 of 5
2008-011/105(5)News briefs : resource materials1997-1998 5 of 5
2008-011/106(3)Facts & opinion : advertising invoices1975-1976
2008-011/106(4)Facts & opinion : advertising invoices1976-1977
2008-011/106(5)Facts & opinion : correspondence1973-1974
2008-014/004(11)Facts & opinions1972
2008-014/004(12)Fact & opinionMar. 1974
2008-014/004(13)Il FoglioMay 1981

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