Inventory of the
Albert Edward Kemp fonds

Inventory #F0336

The digitization of this finding aid was made possible - in part or entirely - through the Canadian Culture Online Program of Canadian Heritage, the National Archives of Canada and the Canadian Council of Archives.


Fonds/Collection Number:F0336
Title:Albert Edward Kemp fonds
Extent:0.04 m of textual records
Biographical Sketch/
Administrative History:
Albert Edward Kemp (1858-1929) was a Toronto sheet metal manufacturer. He served as the Conservative Party Member of Parliament for East Toronto, 1900-1908, and 1911-1921. He was chair of the Purchasing Commission (1915-1916), Minister of Militia and Defense (1916-1917), and Overseas Military Forces (1917-1920). He was appointed to the Senate in 1921.
Scope and Content:

Fonds consists of correspondence of Albert Edward Kemp with political colleagues, government and parliamentary business. There is also financial material relating to Kemp Manufacturing Co., 1909-1923, including financial statements.

Restrictions on
Access and Use:
No restrictions on access.
Finding Aid: Fonds level description only.
URL of Finding Aid:http://archivesfa.library.yorku.ca/fonds/ON00370-f0000336.pdf
Accruals: The fonds comprises the following accession: 1960-002. Further accruals are expected.
Provenance Access Points:Kemp, Albert Edward, 1858-1929

Date of creation: 2002/04/04
Date of last revision: 2003/04/29
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