F0249 - Judith Cowan fonds


Call Number: 2003-027/001

Correspondence Files

(1)General Correspondence, A1984-1989
(2)Patricia and Rudolfo Anaya1982-1986
(3)General, B1968, 1975-1986
(4)Stuart Burgess1969
(5)General, C1968-1986
(6)Fiona Campbell1979-1981
(7)Victor Coleman1988
(8)Alice Cowan1969-1986
(9)Hector Cowan1969
(10)Hector Cowan1976-1979
(11)Hector Cowan1980-1983
(12)Hilda Cowan1976-1985
(13)Paul Cowan1975
(14)Timothy Cowan1966-1969
(15)Cowan Family1987-1988
(16)Jo Crabtree1982-1988
(17)General, D1968-1984
(18)General, E1976
(19)George Ellenbogen1986-1989
(20)General, F1976-1985
(21)Faith Fernalld1976-1989
(22)General, G1964-1986
(23)General, M1969-1985
(24)General, I, J1984
(25)Brian Hayden1970-1989
(26)General K1976-1988
(27)Elisabeth Kreidt-Staudigl1982-1986
(28)General, L1967-1988
(29)General, M1978-1989
(30)Feri and Tom McArthur1983-1989
(31)General, P1966-1988
(32)General, R
(33)General, S1981-1989
(34)Genevieve Stephenson-Debost1980-1989
(35)General, T1982-1984
(36)Jean-Pierre Tusseau1976-1987
(37)General U,V1969-1978
(38)Hector and Ina Van Vierssen Trip1969-1988
(39)Christmas Cards1985-1987
(40)Christmas Cards1989
(41)General, W1979-1990
(42)Christmas Cards1991
(43)Christmas Cards1992
(44)Christmas Cards1993
(45)General Correspondence1989
(46)General Correspondence1990 1 of 2
(47)General Correspondence1990 2 of 2
(48)General Correspondence1991 1 of 2
(49)General Correspondence1991 2 of 2
(50)General Correspondence1991-1992 1 of 2
(51)General Correspondence1991-1992 2 of 2

Call Number: 2003-027/002
(1)General Correspondence1992 1 of 2
(2)General Correspondence1992 2 of 2
(3)General Correspondence1993 1 of 2
(4)General Correspondence1993 2 of 2
(5)General Correspondence1994 1 of 4
(6)General Correspondence1994 2 of 4
(7)General Correspondence1994 3 of 4
(8)General Correspondence1994 4 of 4
(9)General Correspondence1995 1 of 3
(10)General Correspondence1995 2 of 3
(11)General Correspondence1995 3 of 3
(12)General Correspondence1996 1 of 4
(13)General Correspondence1996 2 of 4
(14)General Correspondence1996 3 of 4
(15)General Correspondence1996 4 of 4
(16)General Correspondence1997 1 of 2
(17)General Correspondence1997 2 of 2
(18)General Correspondence1997-1998 1 of 2
(19)General Correspondence1997-1998 2 of 2
(20)General Correspondence1998 1 of 2
(21)General Correspondence1998 2 of 2
(22)Photography, Judith Cowan

Call Number: 2003-027/003
(1)Outcast From Paradise: The Myth of Acadia and Evangeline in Canadian Literature in English and in French, thesis in revision1984
(2)Acadia at the Crossroads of Myth and Reality, first thesis revision1986 1 of 3
(3)Acadia at the Crossroads of Myth and Reality, first thesis revision1986 2 of 3
(4)Acadia at the Crossroads of Myth and Reality, first thesis revision1986 3 of 3
(5)Timeless Acadia, Revised Draft1985 1 of 2
(6)Timeless Acadia, Revised Draft1985 2 of 2
(7)Timeless Acadia, Draft1985
(8)Timeless Acadia, Draft1985 1 of 2

Call Number: 2003-027/004
(1)Timeless Acadia, draft1985 2 of 2
(2)Offprint - Mazo de la Roche: Une tradition empruntee
(3)from Barry Argyle - professor at York University, Torontoca. 1971
(4)An Attempt to Translate Pierre Chatillion's La Mort Rousse1976-1977
(5)Gatien LaPointe - phonetic translation of two poems1983
(6)Job Application Letters1973, 1981
(7)Arts Canada1979
(8)Ellipse, translations1985-1987 1 of 3
(9)Ellipse, translations1985-1987 2 of 3
(10)Ellipse, translations1985-1987 3 of 3
(11)Ellipse - Medje Vezina1986
(12)Ellipse, Michael BeaulieuJanuary 1987
(13)Ellipse, Madeleine GagnonApril 1985
(14)Ellipse - trans. of Denise Desautels
(15)Louise Dupre - Liszt ou SchumannJune 1989
(16)Liszt or Schumann - Louis DupreSept. 1, 1991
(17)Denise Desautels (Ellipse)Jan. 1990
(18)Ellipse (Andre Roy and Marcel Labine)Aout 1990
(19)Ellipse, translations1993-2000 1 of 2
(20)Ellipse, translations1993-2000 2 of 2
(21)Pierre Nepveu poemsAug. 2001
(22)Yvon Rivard, EllipseOct. 1992
(23)Genealogies & Quantite d'Alain RoyJune 1991-2002
(24)Nadeau/FondueMarch 1992
(25)Victor Coleman1980
(26)"The Secret Voice"July 1985
(27)Francois Hebert poems - translationsFeb. 1997
(28)Alphonse PicheMay 1987
(29)Alphonse Piche, trans.July 1992
(30)Coach House TranslationsJan. 1986
(31)R.A.D. Ford (from Northern Journey #6)
(32)Doug Jones Poems for Ecrits des ForgesNov. 1984-May 1985
(33)Richard Outram
(34)Negovan Rajic - On Liberty & the Discourse of the Gr. IdeaApril 1986
(35)Louise Dupre1987
(36)Translations for Victor Coleman1970
(37)Le Garden-Party de Christophine/ Gerard Bessette
(38)Le Garden-Party de Gerard Bessette, correspondence, draft1991-1995

Call Number: 2003-027/005
(1)Christophine and Her Garden Party, correspondence1997-2000
(2)Christophine's Garden Party, drafts1997
(3)Keep It All/Yves Boisvert, correspondence, drafts1994-1999 1 of 3
(4)Keep It All/Yves Boisvert, correspondence, drafts1994-1999 2 of 3
(5)Keep It All/Yves Boisvert, correspondence, drafts1994-1999 3 of 3
(6)Keep It All/ Yves Boisvert, annotated French edition and English translation by Cowan1998
(7)Soirs Rouges/Clement Marchand, copy of book with Notes by Cowan in consultation with Marchand[1994]
(8)Soirs Rouges /Clement Marchand, rough draft, not finished1994-1997
(9)Quartz and Mica /Yolande Villemaire, correspondence, draft1987-1992
(10)Exterminated Angel/ Gerald Godin, correspondence1990-1992
(11)Exterminated Angel/ Gerald Godin, first draft[ca.1990]
(12)Exterminated Angel/ Gerald Godin, annotated draft[ca. 1990]
(13)Exterminated Angel/ Gerald Godin, final version[ca. 1990]
(14)Steven Heighton translationsJuly 1991
(15)Esprit de Corps, typescript, galleys1996 1 of 2
(16)Esprit de Corps, typescript, galleys1996 2 of 2
(17)Evenings at Loose Ends/Gerald Godin, correspondence1988-1991
(18)Evenings at Loose Ends/Gerald Godin, drafts[ca. 1991]
(19)A Dream of Tomatoes - Gaetan Brulotte, correspondence, drafts1991
(20)Intern. Po. ReviewOct. 1993

Call Number: 2003-027/006
(1)This Desert Now/Yves Prefontaine, correspondence, drafts1987-1992 1 of 3
(2)This Desert Now/Yves Prefontaine, correspondence, drafts1987-1992 2 of 3
(3)This Desert Now/Yves Prefontaine, correspondence, drafts1987-1992 3 of 3
(4)This Desert Now/Yves Prefontaine, drafts[ca.1990]
(5)This Desert Now/Yves Prefontaine, final version1990
(6)Le Desert Maintenant/Yves Prefontaine, french edition inscribed by Prefontaine1987
(7)Edmundston Article1984-1985
(8)Ringuet article1988
(9)Jack Ferstel - Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana1987
(10)Borges article
(11)Colloque Sur le Joual, RimouskiFall 1996
(12)Literary Agents1996-1999
(13)Acadian Writer's Conference1984
(14)Louisiana Trip1984
(15)Judit Molnar, Hungary1987-1988
(16)Pat Lowther article "A Dangerous Muse", The Journal of Canadian Culture & Ellipse in French1983, 1985
(17)Le premier jardinJanuary 1990
(18)Translated extracts from La Repetition -Denise Desautels for American publicationMay 1990
(19)Quarry for SpiraleNov. 1994
(20)Breakdowns and Continuity - Guy Langevin
(21)Sculpteur du Temps - BrulotteOct. 1992
(22)Sonnets - David SolwayOct. 1991
(23)Alexis Klimov's Albuquerque Letter
(24)Jacques Ferron reviewJan. 1985
(25)Translation of Michael Delisle's BizarreMarch 1985
(26)Translations for Ecrits des ForgesDec. 1984
(27)Les Amateurs de Sentiments, Boisvert/MyrandJune 1989
(28)Denn & PauloJune 1990
(29)Francois de CorniereJan. 1988
(30)Rejean Bonenfant - trans. of stories from La Part d'abimeAout 1990
(31)Introduction de Reginald de Louis JolicoeurAout 1990
(32)JessicaFeb. 1990
(33)Les Treize / Thirteen Men - Negovan RajicJan. 1988
(34)Maurice Lemire
(35)Stone Upon Stone (trans. Claude Esteban "Pierre sur pierre")Dec. 1990
(36)Andre Roy - Le Dragueur SurrealisteAugust 1988
(37)A Picturesque HouseNov. 1990

Call Number: 2003-027/007
(1)Serge Mongrain, Translations from l'oeil de l'ideeJune 1988
(2)Sylvie BernardMay 1988
(3)La Cage du Feu[197-]
(4)Susann (sic) PelletierOctober 1989
(5)Guy Marchamps, Poeme2001-2002
(6)Un Amour de PapierJuly 1990
(7)C'est Pour Quand le Paradis..., Article for Claude Le BoutheillerJanuary 1985
(8)Esther Rochon, The Dreamer in the CitadelApril 1985
(9)Salamanca Project1992-1993 (1 of 2)
(10)Salamanca Project1992-1993 (2 of 2)
(11)Salamanca and Valladolid Material1995-2001
(12)Bruce Chatwin, Radio Canada BroadcastFebruary 1991
(13)CastleSummer 1989
(14)Lawrence/Traces d'un Maitre, Radio CanadaMarch 1992
(15)Stories sent to J.P.IssenhuthApril 1990
(16)Mariage des AutresJuly 1995
(17)Story Collection, First Complete Draft1990
(18)Susan's Novel
(19)BelugaAugust 1989
(20)Huron Street: From Here to WheneverJune 1991
(21)Recherches, Les Lettres PerduesMay 1988
(22)Justin Fraser, The Gateway of HeavenJune 1988
(23)Live Like a Monk and Other Stories, Clean Draft1997
(24)Le Bateau/Sur le PointApril 1994
(25)Stones Left Unturned: Short Stories by Judith Cowan, Clean Draft1990
(26)Stones Left Unturned, Draft1990 (1 of 2)
(27)Stones Left Unturned, Draft1990 (2 of 2)
(28)Dans la Rue Ste-Angele and other Stories, Clean Draft1991
(29)Sample Stories and Translations

Call Number: 2003-027/008
(1)Story Collection1989
(2)Colloque - Mazo pour novembre 1990November 1990
(3)Journey AnthologyMarch 1992
(4)Chroniques de PolyandrieNovember 1991
(6)Correspondence1997-2000 (1 of 2)
(7)Correspondence1997-2000 (2 of 2)
(8)Notes, Correspondence1997-2000
(10)Clean Draft[ca. 2000]
(11)Photos of Cowan Taken by Robert Myrand1998
(12)Plus Que la Vie Meme, French Translation By Jean-Pierre Issenhuth[ca. 1999]
(13)Publicity for French Translation1999
(14)Waste Not, Want NotNovember 1993
(15)Monterey GilbertJuly 1994
(16)Stories Translated by J.P.Issenhuth (and others)1995-1998
(17)A Semblance of FamilyJanuary 1990-1996
(18)More Than Life ItselfFebruary 1994-1996
(19)By the Big RiverNovember 1989-1992
(20)That Sort of Thing Doesn't Bother MeNovember 1989-1993
(21)Drafts[ca. 1996] (1 of 2)
(22)Drafts[ca. 1996] (2 of 2)
(23)Draft[ca. 1996] (1 of 2)
(24)Draft[ca. 1996] (2 of 2)

Call Number: 2003-027/009
(1)Novel, [Under the Ionosphere, Early Incomplete Draft[ca. 1990]
(2)Under the Ionosphere, Early Incomplete Draft[ca. 1990]
(3)Under the Ionosphere, Correspondence, Drafts1994-1998 (1 of 2)
(4)Under the Ionosphere, Correspondence, Drafts1994-1998 (2 of 2)

Gambler's Fallacy

(5)The Small Circle, Correspondence, Drafts1990-2002 (1 of 3)
(6)The Small Circle, Correspondence, Drafts1990-2002 (2 of 3)
(7)The Small Circle, Correspondence, Drafts1990-2002 (3 of 3)
(8)Assorted Drafts (1 of 2)
(9)Assorted Drafts (2 of 2)
(10)Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan, Correspondence, Drafts1998-2000
(11)The Launching, Correspondence, Drafts1999-2000
(12)Laiah and the Sun King, Correspondence, Drafts1994-1999
(13)Dans La Rue Ste-Angele, Corrrespondence, Drafts1990-1997
(14)Correspondence, Drafts1997-2001 (1 of 2)
(15)Correspondence, Drafts1997-2001 (2 of 2)
(16)The Unknown Poet, Correspondence, Drafts1996-1997 (1 of 2)
(17)The Unknown Poet, Correspondence, Drafts1996-1997 (2 of 2)
(18)Correspondence, Manuscript2000 (1 of 2)
(19)Correspondence, Manuscript2000 (2 of 2)
(20)Drafts (1 of 2)
(21)Drafts (2 of 2)
(22)The Best Time of the Night, Clean DraftAugust 1998 (1 of 2)
(23)The Best Time of the Night, Clean DraftAugust 1998 (2 of 2)
(24)Manuscript2001 (1 of 2)
(25)Manuscript2001 (2 of 2)

Call Number: 2003-027/010
(1)Ionosphere, Last Version27 February 2002 (1 of 2)
(2)Ionosphere, Last Version27 February 2002 (2 of 2)
(3)From Far Back as Sudden Memory,Correspondence2002
(4)From Far Back as Sudden Memory, Annotated by Clement MarchandMarch 2003 (1 of 3)
(5)From Far Back as Sudden Memory, Annotated by Clement MarchandMarch 2003 (2 of 3)
(6)From Far Back as Sudden Memory, Annotated by Clement MarchandMarch 2003 (3 of 3)
(7)From Far Back as Sudden Memory, Typescript2003 (1 of 3)
(8)From Far Back as Sudden Memory, Typescript2003 (2 of 3)
(9)From Far Back as Sudden Memory, Typescript2003 (3 of 3)
(10)An Altered State, First Draft2003 (1 of 2)
(11)An Altered State, First Draft2003 (2 of 2)
(12)An Altered State, Second Draft2003 (1 of 3)
(13)An Altered State, Second Draft2003 (2 of 3)
(14)An Altered State, Second Draft2003 (3 of 3)

Professional Files

(15)Biographical Information1980
(16)Certificates, 1994
(17)Contacts, Employment History1973-1991 (1 of 2)
(18)Contacts, Employment History1973-1991 (2 of 2)
(19)Course Descriptions1992-1997
(20)Course Evaluations, Survey Results1983
(21)Department of Modern Languages, Council Minutes, Correspondence1993-1994 (1 of 2)
(22)Department of Modern Languages, Council Minutes, Correspondence1993-1994 (2 of 2)
(23)Department of of Modern Languages, Council Minutes2000
(24)Concordia Job ApplicationDecember 1989
(25)McGill Job ApplicationDecember 1989
(26)German Job ApplicationJanuary 1988

Call Number: 2003-027/011
(1)Laval Job ApplicationMarch 1988
(2)Mount Allison ApplicationJanuary 1989
(3)Ottawa Job Applications1984
(4)New English Program1993-1999 (1 of 2)
(5)New English Program1993-1999 (2 of 2)
(6)Pension Contribution Report1974
(7)Personal Pension Statements1984-1987
(8)Personal Pension Statements1987-1990
(9)Personal Pension Statements1993-1995
(10)Personal Pension Statements1996-1998
(11)Promotion File1980-1982
(13)Evaluation File1987-1992 (1 of 2)

Call Number: 2003-027/012
(1)Evaluation File1987-1992 (2 of 2)
(2)Promotion File1992-1994
(3)Promotion and EvaluationJune 1993
(4)PromotionMarch 1993-1995
(6)Promotion File1994
(7)Promotion File1994-2000 (1 of 2)
(8)Promotion File1994-2000 (2 of 2)

Call Number: 2003-027/013
(1)Research Reports1999-2000
(3)Sabbatical Pay Stubs1994-1995
(4)Various Angry Letters1983-2000 Closed.

UQTR: Courses and Students

(5)Advanced Comp and Lit. Analysis1972
(6)Advanced Comp and Lit. Analysis1973
(7)19th Century Am. Lit.1973
(8)English - CAN Poetry1974
(9)Sight Translation Exercises1974
(11)Sight Translation1974
(12)English Canadian Novel, Autumn1974
(13)English Canadian Poetry, Hiver1974
(14)English Canadian Novel1974
(15)Modern Poetry, Automne1975
(16)Modern Poetry Autumn1975
(17)19th Century Novel in U.S.A, Autumn1975
(18)Composition and Style I, Autumn1975
(19)English Canadian Novel1975
(20)History of the English Language, Exams1975
(21)History of the English Language1975
(23)History of the English Language, Sherbrooke1975 1 of 2
(24)History of the English Language, Sherbrooke1975 2 of 2
(25)19th Century Novel in the U.S.A, Autumn1976
(26)Background to the English Language, Autumn1976
(27)Background to the English Language, Automne1976
(28)Composition and Style II, mardi soir, (Shawinigan) hiver1976
(29)Chaucer - hiver1976
(30)Composition and Style II, Winter1976
(31)Modern Poetry, Summer1977
(32)Composition Style I, Autumn1977
(33)English Canadian Novel, Autumn1977
(34)Literary Analysis (Thetford Mines) Autumn1977
(35)Advanced Composition and Literary Analysis, Winter1977
(36)English - Canadian Poetry, Winter1977
(37)Modern English Structure II, Winter1977
(38)History of the English Language, Autumn1978
(39)Chaucer, Autumn1978
(40)Comite d'evaluation des Projects d'innovation pedagogique1978
(41)Literary Analysis, Winter1978
(42)General Translation II, Winter1978
(43)English Canadian Poetry, Summer1979
(44)Literary Analysis, Winter1979
(45)The Eighteenth - Century Novel, Autumn1979
(46)Modern Poetry, Autumn1979
(47)Background to Literature, 1800 (Taught with Tom McArthur, Jean-Paul de Chezet and Harinder Marjara) Winter1979
(48)Modern Novel in U.S.A, Winter1980
(49)English Canadian Novel, Winter1980

Call Number: 2003-027/014
(1)Tom McArthur's Chaucer Course
(2)Modern English Structure I, Autumn1980 1 of 2
(3)Modern English Structure I, Autumn1980 2 of 2
(4)Background to English, Autumn1980
(5)Modern English Structure, Autumn1980 1 of 2
(6)Modern English Structure, Autumn1980 2 of 2
(7)19th Century Novel in the U.S.A, Winter1984
(8)Literary Analysis, Winter1981
(9)Background to Literature, Winter1981
(10)Composition and Style I, Autumn1982 1 of 2
(11)Composition and Style I, Autumn1982 2 of 2
(12)English Canadian Poetry, Autumn1982
(13)Background to Literature, 1800-1960, Winter1983
(14)Modern Poetry, Autumn1983
(15)Composition and Style I, Autumn1983
(16)Background to the English Language, Autumn1983
(17)Background to Literature, 1800-1960, Winter1984
(18)Modern Novel in the U.S.A, Winter1984
(19)English Canadian Novel, Winter1983
(20)Commonwealth Literature, Autumn1984
(21)Composition and Style I, Autumn1984
(22)English Canadian Novel, Winter1985
(23)Composition and Style II, Winter1985
(24)Functional English, Summer1985
(25)English Canadian Poetry, Autumn1985
(26)Composition and Style I, Autumn1985
(27)Modern Novel in the U.S.A, Winter1986
(28)Background to Literature, 1800-1980, Winter1986
(29)Victorian Period, Winter1986 1 of 2
(30)Victorian Period, Winter1986 2 of 2
(31)English Canadian Poetry, Autumn1987
(32)19th Century Novel, U.S.A1987
(33)19th Century Novel (U.S.A), Autumn1987
(34)Modern Poetry, Winter1988
(35)Modern Novel in the U.S.A, Winter1988
(36)Background to Literature, 1800-1980, Autumn1988

Call Number: 2003-027/015
(1)English Canadian Novel, Autumn1988
(2)18th Century Novel, Winter1989
(3)Commonwealth Literature, Autumn1989
(4)Background to English, Autumn1989
(5)Modern Poetry, Winter1990 1 of 2
(6)Modern Poetry, Winter1990 2 of 2
(7)Popular Fiction, Winter1980 1 of 2
(8)Popular Fiction, Winter1980 2 of 2
(9)Background to English, Autumn1990
(10)Communication Ecrite En Anglais, Autumn1990
(11)The Romantic Period, Winter1991
(12)Analyse De Textes En Anglais, Winter1994
(13)Etudes Avancees1988-1990 1 of 2
(14)Etudes Avancees1988-1990 2 of 2
(15)Commonwealth Literature, Autumn1991
(16)Background to English, Autumn1991
(17)Analyse de Textes En Anglais, Winter1992 1 of 2
(18)Analyse de Textes En Anglais, Winter1992 2 of 2
(19)Modern Novel in the U.S.A, Winter1992
(20)Modern PoetryMay-June, 1992
(21)Prose Narrative, Autumn1992
(22)English Canadian Literature, Winter1993
(23)Prose Narrative, Autumn1993
(24)Litterature Canadienne - Anglaise, Winter1994
(25)SpainMarch 1995
(26)Nancy Andrews, Spring1995

Call Number: 2003-027/016
(1)Introduction to Literature in English, Autumn1995 1 of 2
(2)Introduction to Literature in English, Autumn1995 2 of 2
(3)Prose Narrative, Autumn1995
(4)Poetry in English, Winter1996
(5)Litterature Canadienne, Winter1996 1 of 2
(6)Litterature Canadienne, Winter1996 2 of 2
(7)Development of the English Language, Autumn1996
(8)Prose Narrative, Autumn1996
(9)Poetry in English, Winter1997
(10)English Canadian Literature, Winter1997
(11)The Novel in English, Autumn1997
(12)Prose Narrative, Autumn1997
(13)Poetry in English (Lia 1024), Winter1998 1 of 2
(14)Poetry in English (Lia 1024), Winter1998 2 of 2
(15)English Canadian Literature (Lia 1001), Winter1998
(16)Introduction to English Literature, Autumn1998 1 of 2
(17)Introduction to English Literature, Autumn1998 2 of 2
(18)Prose Narrative, Autumn1998
(19)Young People's Literature (Lia 1028), Autumn1999

Call Number: 2003-027/017
(1)Advanced Grammar, Autumn1999 1 of 2
(2)Advanced Grammar, Autumn1999 2 of 2
(3)Canadian and American Culture, Winter2000 1 of 2
(4)Canadian and American Culture, Winter2000 2 of 2
(5)Survey of English Literature, Winter2000
(6)History and Culture of English Speaking Peoples, Autumn2000 1 of 2
(7)History and Culture of English Speaking Peoples, Autumn2000 2 of 2
(8)Young People's Literature, Autumn2000 1 of 3
(9)Young People's Literature, Autumn2000 2 of 3

Call Number: 2003-027/018
(1)Young People's Literature, Autumn2000 3 of 3
(2)Letters of Recommendation1994-2001
(3)Bits and Pieces from Emptying My [Cowan's] Office at l'UQTR1981-1991
(5)Miscellaneous Correspondence, Notes, Memos1990-1999
(6)Reports re. Studies in English1975-1976

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